We are also told how to party. Covid is an exceptional business


Dan Bittman, known for his slips in the pandemic, to the point of instigating failure to comply with the measures imposed by the authorities to combat Covid-19, presented new theories on this issue, on Sunday, January 24, in a program. on Antenna 3.

The artist assures that the pandemic would, in fact, be “an exceptional business” for some people, affirming that “this state will be maintained all the time”.

“They tell us how to stay for the Christmas and New Years holidays. This state will always be maintained. Maybe it’s really money, that is, maybe there are social categories that gain a lot from these regulations.

The pandemic could last for years from now. It is an exceptional business. I’m starting to think about making Azitrox, an aspirin in a basement. The speculation will start, you know. Gigi Becali tried to introduce some drugs into the country. There will be a fight between the poles of power, between strong businessmen, and then the scandal will begin between them, “said Dan Bittman, in the Antena 3 study.

Incitement to breach of protection measures

In the fall of 2020, the soloist of the band Holograf defies in strong terms the restrictions imposed by the authorities to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Later, in a post on his Facebook page, he complained that after the “COVID lie” he has to endure “shameful and false alerts on the phone”, Dan Bittman criticized, also on Antena 3, the way in which the authorities manage the pandemic.

“The danger exists (…) But we are looking for other countries instead of thinking with our heads. Friends, start thinking with our minds. Do not be influenced by all kinds of stories that come from France, Italy, Germany” . (…)

There may be tens of thousands of diseases in Germany every day, but they don’t die because they know how to take care of and treat them. In Romania, we have several thousand so-called infections a day and, forgive me, a doctor who works in a system exactly with numbers told me how they came together: if you do three tests, on the same patient, I put three, not one. So I say, let’s get back on our feet, “Bittman said in October.


Dan Bittman instigates revolt against authorities: “God forbid I die of COVID. I don’t want to live in degrading conditions anymore”

Dan Bittman insists on the COVID-19 instructions: “Instead of Mr. Arafat, we called France or Bulgaria to ask him how to play football with the stands full and without masks.”
