Water diet. Or how to lose 12 kg in 3 …


In no month will you lose 12 pounds. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Here is what you need to do to get these results:

How does the water diet work? Here are the steps to follow:

1. First, every morning, drink a large glass of warm water in which you squeezed half a lemon. This will cleanse your body of toxins.

2. You need to drink water all day, every half hour. No alcohol or any commercially available sour or non-sour juice is allowed during this diet. And unfortunately, drinking coffee is also not recommended. Instead, you have still still water and green black tea made from rose petals. You can also drink lemonade, which does not contain sugar or any other type of sweetener, lemon and grapefruit, but not more than a 200 ml glass every other day.

3. Another rule that you should never break is to drink 200 ml of water before each meal. It is recommended that this water comes from the refrigerator, cold water speeds up metabolism.

4. And before going to bed, you should drink a glass of water. Insurance. You don’t need to put it on your throat, it should be enjoyed like tea.

5. In this weight loss regimen, soups are indicated, the best of which is cabbage. This will help you lose weight. Tomato, cauliflower, and carrot soups are also recommended.

6. You need breakfast, lunch and dinner, but also both snacks. Don’t jump on them. However, choose to eat raw fruits and vegetables, salads, and boiled meat, in the oven or on the grill. I don’t think I should say that flour, fried foods, sweets and fast food products are prohibited in this diet. In fact, they have nothing to look for in any healthy diet.

7. It would be great if you could get a little exercise, at least 30 minutes a day.

If you follow all the points in this article, after three weeks you will find that it is 12 kilograms slimmer.
I wish you luck! And don’t forget: hydrate yourself as best you can, especially when the heat hits and this will help you stay healthy.
