Warning for the whole planet. COVID-19 is the beginning. Ruin is coming


International experts working at the Intergovernmental Science and Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services warn that pandemics will be more frequent, spread faster, cause more economic damage and kill more people than COVID-19. .

Solution to stop the disease

Scientists say these disasters will occur if steps are not taken to stop the degradation of nature, a phenomenon that leads to the spread of new diseases among humans.

The report states that the appearance of the new coronavirus was caused entirely by human activities.

The same activities that cause biodiversity loss and climate change also increase the risk of a pandemic.

Land-use change, agricultural expansion, trade, and wildlife consumption increase contact between wildlife, farm animals and humans, allowing microbes to reach humans, the group said. of 22 experts.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, several hypotheses have been made about the animals from which the new coronavirus comes.

Where does the new coronavirus come from?

The organization’s scientists believe that the new coronavirus comes from bats and that humans could have been infected from wild animals traded in a market in Wuhan, China.

“Factors that increase the risk of pathogen spread, transmission, contagion and diseases between species are intensified in live animal markets, where animals are often kept for long periods in crowded conditions, with poor hygiene practices, mixed with diverse species and in close contact with large groups of people who travel from one region to another to buy live animals, ”says the report.

The report also affirms that the solution to stop the spread of the coronavirus would be to conserve protected regions and reduce the exploitation of areas with high biodiversity.

“We can overcome the era of pandemics, but for that, more attention is needed on prevention and not just on how we react,” said Peter Daszak, the researcher who led the study, digi24.ro
