Vote by mail will be used


Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which is seeing a new wave of infections in Europe, where the largest Romanian communities outside of Romania are located, it may not be possible to organize polling stations for the December parliamentary elections. For this reason, the Government will encourage and recommend voting by mail.

Government sources told that the Bucharest authorities have sought clarification from the governments of the European countries where the majority of Romanians live, regarding the possibility of organizing polling stations. Most did not respond, while others suggested using vote-by-mail as an alternative, given the restriction of public meetings and contact between various people.

The law for the organization of the electoral elections in December, in which Romanians will elect their representatives in Parliament, was amended in the specialized commissions.

Among the changes is the extension of the voting period until 11:59 p.m., but only for those who are at the voting table at 9:00 p.m. or in line, outside the voting table.

Likewise, an amendment presented by the PNL parliamentary group could make it difficult to vote abroad, where, due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, some polling stations could be closed. The amended law stipulates that when such situations occur, no other polling stations are organized.

In polling stations where the electoral election can take place, Romanians in diaspora will be able to vote for 2 days, according to an amendment initially rejected in the specialized commissions, but approved in the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies.

Changes that may affect voting in the diaspora

(1) In the 2020 Senate and Chamber of Deputies elections held abroad, where the competent authorities of the country of residence do not allow, for security reasons, to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the establishment of The polling stations, both inside and outside the diplomatic missions and consular offices, may not have polling stations in that country.

(2) In the 2020 elections to the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies held abroad, if the competent authorities of the country of residence withdraw, for security reasons, to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the agreement Regarding the establishment of polling stations at the headquarters of diplomatic missions, consular offices and / or outside of them, voting operations are no longer carried out within the corresponding polling stations.

(3) In the 2020 Senate and Chamber of Deputies elections held abroad, if the competent authorities of the country of residence withdraw during the voting process, for security reasons, in order to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID pandemic. -19, the agreement on the development of voting operations in electoral colleges organized at the headquarters of diplomatic missions, consular offices and / or outside of them, ceases to carry out the voting operations in question. In this case, the provisions of Law 208/2015 will apply.

(4) In the elections for the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies in 2020 held abroad, in case the security measures imposed by the authorities of the state of residence to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in any stretch. no polling stations are organized in that country.

(5) In the elections to the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies in 2020 that are held abroad, if the headquarters of the diplomatic mission or consular office cannot ensure the health protection measures to prevent and combat the effects of The COVID-19 pandemic imposed by the competent authorities of Romania or the country of residence for the operation of the electoral college, may be organized in any other place in the same locality.

(6) In the 2020 Senate and Chamber of Deputies elections held abroad, if the materials necessary for the vote cannot be sent in time before the voting day, they will be printed, respectively held locally, by the attention of diplomatic missions and consular offices, in accordance with the procedure established by decision of the Central Electoral Office.

(7) The electoral constituency office for Romanian citizens domiciled or residing abroad, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Permanent Electoral Authority will immediately publicize the situations that arise as a result of the application of paragraphs (1) – (5).

Likewise, the law stipulates that the vote can be extended until 11:59 p.m., but only for voters who are at the headquarters or in line outside the headquarters.

“Voters who are at the voting table at 9:00 p.m., as well as those who are in line outside the voting table to enter the voting table may exercise their right to vote, under the conditions of this law” . sample in amended law in Parliament.
