Vlad Voiculescu: Lucian Bode is lying. I had a driver and assistant from SPP for 7 months. It never accelerates beyond legal speed without the consent of the dignitary.


“I was waiting for the statements of Minister Lucian Bode on the subject of the accident at the weekend. They only came today, I read them now and wrote some harsh words here. I deleted them then … I just leave that: Minister Bode MIND! Take advantage of the fact that not everyone has received the services of SPP as a dignitary.

Lucian Bode:<Şoferul SPP este singurul responsabil de traseu şi de ducerea la destinaţie a demnitarului. Niciodată nu am fost preocupat cum conduc angajaţii SPP (...). La momentul accidentului, mă odihneam. (...) Demnitarul nu are dreptul să-i spună şoferului să meargă mai tare sau mai încet, să folosească semnalele acustice şi luminoase. Şoferul SPP este singurul responsabil de traseul pe care îl va urma şi în ducerea la destinaţie a demnitarului. În astfel de deplasări nu există ne grăbim, există doar ajungem în siguranţă la destinaţie>>.

I had a driver and an assistant from SPP during the 7 months as Minister of Health in the government of Cioloş. Never, but never, does the SPP driver accelerate beyond the legal speed without the consent of the dignitary. Even more so to use blue light.

More clearly: SPP drivers are professionals, that’s how they make a living. And they are military. They do not break the rules except at the request of the dignitary to arrive at location Y in time interval X and do not use the blue light or specific alarm except with the express consent (verbal, which is true) of the dignitary.

Taking responsibility is rare for Romanian politicians. Now the culprit is an SPP driver … who, of course, doesn’t say a word about how things really were. And that word … no one died … “Vlad Voiculescu wrote on Facebook.

The Minister of Transport, Lucian Bode, does not resign from the Government after the accident caused by his driver (SPP official). Bode says he was sleeping in the back seat and that the SPP officer acted on his own.

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