Vlad Voiculescu claims that he retired from the City Council not to be a minister, but because of Nicușor Dan, who does not answer the phone.


Attacked by the reproaches of his USR PLUS colleagues, who accused him with the party’s internal communication groups because he resigned as deputy mayor of Bucharest and personally appointed a replacement, without a transparent procedure within the party, Vlad Voiculescu published, on Monday , a long explanation for his gesture, saying that he did not resign from the City Council to be a minister, but for Nicu becauseor Dan who did not answer the phone “for more than a month”.

“3 months ago, in the local elections, I received the trust of the people of Bucharest for the USR PLUS team. I joined the General Council of Bucharest to serve the people of this city: I assumed the management of the health and social spheres, at the level of the Capital.
Immediately 100 days after the election. Normally, I should have come before you, the more than 176 thousand people who voted for us, with a balance, together with the independent mayor supported by USR PLUS and PNL, and with the vice mayor elected by PNL. I would have liked to talk to you about a consolidated team, about the measures for Bucharest and for the health system here. This is not the case, unfortunately, and it is not my fault or USR PLUS’s.

Only today have we elected deputy mayors.

I avoided publicly commenting on issues related to the way the team voted by the people of Bucharest worked, or rather it didn’t work. In general, without trust nothing can be built. And when the person you’re running with doesn’t answer their phone for more than a month after Election Night … it’s not a good sign. But I will not elaborate on this aspect further. Maybe we just have different styles and approaches; I respect that and wish the mayor general success. Not only because he wanted this at all costs, but also because the success of the current administration is critical to the future of this city and millions of people, “wrote Vlad Voiculescu on his Facebook page.

He states that because of this, he “takes a step back and hopes from the bottom of his heart that things will work out.”

“I am retiring now, with my heart not at all at peace (and yes, I really understand the criticism on this issue), but with the confidence that my energy can have a much more important impact, even for the Capital, from the position Minister of Health, “says Voiculescu.

Publisher: AVD
