Vitamin D deficiency is closely associated with increased COVID-19 morbidity. Why the Nordics are better than Italy and Spain | News, Foreign News Freedom


Tibi Puiu,

A new study found that vitamin D levels are “very low” in aging populations, especially in Spain, Italy, and Switzerland.

These countries also had the highest COVID-19 mortality rates, so the authors recommend “vitamin D supplements to protect against SARS-CoV-2 infection.”

What is the link between vitamin D and COVID-19 morbidity?

Researchers from the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Trust and the University of East Anglia, led by Romanian researcher Petre Cristian Ilie, analyzed average vitamin D levels for 20 European countries, as well as data on the death rate caused by COVID-19.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, naturally present in very few foods and available as a dietary supplement. It is also produced endogenously when the ultraviolet rays of sunlight hit the skin and trigger the synthesis of vitamin D.

Vitamin D is also likely to play a protective role in SARS-CoV-2 infections.

Most people understand that vitamin D is essential for bone and muscle health. Our analysis also found that it helps the body fight acute respiratory infections, which are responsible for millions of deaths worldwide each year.

Carlos Camargo, Department of Emergency Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and lead author of the 2017 study:

In the new study, the average vitamin D level was approximately 56 nmol / L. Vitamin D levels were correlated with the number of cases of COVID-19 per million population in a population, as well as the number of deaths caused by COVID-19 per million people.

The mean vitamin D values ​​in the elderly population in Spain, Italy and the Nordic countries were 26 nmol / L, 28 nmol / L and 45 nmol / L, respectively. Any blood test below 30 nmol / L is classified as a deficiency. severe in vitamin D.

The most vulnerable population group for COVID-19 is also the one with the highest vitamin D deficiency.

In nursing homes in Switzerland, the average level of vitamin D is 23 nmol / L. Switzerland recorded 29,407 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 1,408 deaths. Nearly half of those who died in Ticino County were residents of care facilities for the elderly and people with disabilities, according to a recent report.

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A ray of hope in the COVID-19 crisis. The man who gives gifts to poor children and makes them laugh.

In conclusion, we found significant associations between vitamin D levels and the number of cases of COVID-19, and especially the mortality caused by this infection. The most vulnerable population group for COVID-19 is also the one with the highest vitamin D deficiency, “the authors of the new study write.

Vitamin D is known to provide protection against acute respiratory infections and has been shown to be a safe supplement. We believe we can recommend vitamin D supplements to protect you from COVID-19 infection.

The conclusion of the new study is currently published on a prepress server:

This is just the latest study in a series of studies that have identified vitamin D deficiency as a risk factor for COVID-19. An analysis by Philippine researchers of COVID-19 patients from three hospitals in Southeast Asian countries found that critical cases were 19 times more common in those with vitamin D deficiency.

“An increase in serum vitamin D levels in the body could improve clinical outcomes or reduce more serious (severe to critical) effects. On the other hand, a decrease in serum (OH) D levels in the body could worsen the clinical results of patients with COVID-2019. In this case, vitamin D supplementation may play an important role in the increase of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1,25 (OH) 2D], the biologically active form of vitamin D in the blood “- wrote the authors from the Philippines.

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Vitamin D supplements to protect us from coronaviruses.

Most adults need around 600 IU (international units) of vitamin D per day, while the elderly (over 70 years old) are recommended to consume 800 IU per day. The biological activity of 40 IU is equivalent to 1 microgram of vitamin D.

We get vitamin D not only from what we eat, but also through our own bodies when in contact with sunlight. A good diet rich in vitamin D can include milk and other dairy products, orange juice, cereals, as well as sardines and other fish products that contain high levels of vitamin D.

Because most countries are now quarantined, sun exposure is minimized, so people of all ages should supplement with vitamin D, but especially the elderly.

PUBLIC FREEDOM SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES. In the midst of the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, more than ever readers need quality, clearly presented scientific information. Libertatea has opened a series of collaborations with Romanian journalists from the publication ZME Science, an independent platform for science journalism, made up of experts who generally inform a foreign audience. Every day they write various articles in Liberty, based on the latest data and studies on the epidemic..

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