Vitamin D, ARMA vs. COVID-19. The new STUDIOS come to test. SAVE YOUR LIFE


Vitamin D plays a key role in the fight against COVID-19. It was said at the beginning of the pandemic and is still confirmed by new studies.

Patients with sufficient vitamin D levels are less likely to have complications or die from COVID-19, according to a new study conducted in the US, according to SkyNews. Another study showed that a sufficient level of vitamin D reduces the rate of infection.

Vitamin D, in sufficient proportion, is linked to a low level of inflammatory markers and a high level of immune cells in the blood, according to a study conducted by the Boston University School of Medicine. Elevated lymphocyte levels have been linked to reduced cytokine storms, the release of too much protein into the blood, too quickly, which is one of the ways that coronavirus infection can kill, especially the young. In the study, blood samples were taken from 235 patients who came to the hospital with COVID-19. The patients were monitored clinically, including the severity of the infections, if they lost consciousness, if they had difficulty breathing, to the point where they became hypoxic or if they died. In patients older than 40 years, those who had a sufficient level of vitamin D. had a 51% lower risk of death than those who did not have a sufficient level of vitamin D.

Dr. Michael Holick, who recently published another study, found that vitamin D may reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection by 54%. Vitamin D also helps against other viruses that affect the upper respiratory tract. She noted that there is a significant vitamin D deficiency in children and adults in the United States and around the world, especially in the winter months, and that “.it would be wise for everyone to take vitamin D supplements. ”
