Viorica Dăncilă is not on the PSD Teleorman list for MPs. Carmen Dan does not enter Parliament either


Second place on the PSD list for the Senate is not eligible. In the 2016-2020 legislature, PSD obtained only one senator in Teleorman, the other place was assigned to PNL.

Dănuț Cristescu will cease to be president of the Teleorman County Council after Adrian Gâdea assumes the mandate he won in the September 27 elections, which is why he will be sent by the party to Parliament.

The list of candidates for the Chamber of Deputies will be opened by Florin Piper Savu, current vice president of the Council. They are followed by Paul Stancu (county businessman), Ioana Panagoreț (dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering at the University of Valahia), Violeta Răduț (PSD deputy in the current legislature) and Mădălin Borș (PSD vice president).

Viorica Dăncilă is not listed in the county organization for the parliamentary elections.

The former prime minister accused two days ago that the PSD Teleorman organization receives instructions from Liviu Dragnea not to put it on the list of Parliament. Dăncilă said Dragnea wants revenge because she opposed amnesty and pardon during her time as prime minister.

Dancilă hopes to be sent to another county, but party sources say there is little chance that the former prime minister will win a seat in parliament.

Also read Sources: The artisans of the legislative changes in Justice, Eugen Nicolicea and Florin Iordache, no longer take a seat in Parliament
