Viorel Cataramă carries out the first COVID-19 test today. What his wife says about the businessman’s health.


Viorel Cataramă voluntarily went to one of the COVID-19 outbreaks to self-infect and demonstrate that the virus is not dangerous. He embraced in the town of Bărbuleşti with several Roma people who had coronaviruses, and then accused the symptoms of mild dyspnea.

His wife, Dr. Adina Alberts, made some clarifications on Facebook about Catarama’s health.

“THE HEALTH OF MY HUSBAND Because there are many friends who ask me what is the health of Viorel Cataramă, this is the situation. Today is exactly one week since my husband was exposed to the risk of COVID-19. So far no has developed symptoms characteristic of infection with the new coronavirus. And SARS-Cov-2 disease is out of the question. Except for one episode of mild dyspnea and one mild nasal catarrh, no other symptoms developed. Body temperature did not increase. above 37 degrees C and peripheral arterial blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) did not drop below 97%. Time to do a test. This is exactly what you will do today with the help of a mobile medical unit that will travel home for harvest. So far it has NOT been tested, “wrote Adina Alberts.

Viorel Cataramă stated that she does not believe in the measures to combat the pandemic adopted by the Government and requested the reopening of commercial and social activities.

“I will be able to show that the bankruptcy of Romania and the suppression of our fundamental rights and freedoms was a big mistake, and the culprit will have to respond sooner or later!” Catarmă specified on his Facebook page.

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