Violeta Alexandru, message in the middle of the night: “If I succeed, at the end of this period …” – News from the sources


Labor Minister Violeta Alexandru says that several people have called her since May 1 and told her that she associates work with her. “If I manage, at the end of this period, to print, as much as possible and where I can, the culture of work done in earnest, for me it is no small thing,” he says.

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“There were some people who called me today and told me that, in one way or another, they associate #work with me,” Violeta Alexandru said Friday night in a Facebook post.

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She talks about the “work culture done seriously”.

“If I manage, at the end of this period, to print, as far as possible and where I can, the work culture carried out seriously, it is not a small thing for me. It means a lot. You inspire me”, says the Minister of Labor.
