Violeta Alexandru is at WAR with Mircea Badea: the journalist made the minister’s phone public – Source news


Great scandal between the journalist Mircea Badea and the Minister of Labor, Violeta Alexandru! The reason? The journalist made his phone number public.

In response, Violeta Alexandru accuses that Mircea Badea was targeted by PSD, thus instigating violence.

“My phone number (paid for by me, not by the ministry or the party) was posted today by PSD members on the internet. Here’s a sample.

I responded to people, as I always do. But I didn’t respond to the swear words.

Anyway, identical. It is a period with many trials, people are tense, a tension that the PSD fosters, feeds. I don’t think I have ever gone through a period like this, with so much linguistic violence sustained and even stimulated by PSD. They use people and their problems to incite violence.

This party is irresponsible.

A few days ago there was a violent incident between several girls from various families in Tg. Jiu. It is very serious that such things happen. And it is equally unfortunate that these teenagers engage in such behavior. Certainly, the causes are deep and this phenomenon must be well understood.

In this case, local public institutions also intervened. The police intervened according to procedure. That is the way to go.

Also read: Mourning in the political world: He died during the electoral campaign. Visa for the office of chairman of the Dolj County Council.

The PSD doesn’t really want the state to function, the institutions that have responsibilities. He wants violence. Who is the best target, the minister you ask to fire the girl’s mother from an institution, DGASPC (the girl’s mother works here), which is not subordinate to me but to the president of the County Council, member from PSD Mihai Popescu. Did anyone see him face to face?

Popescu, I suspect that you will not have peace until there is light in this case. Do you sign the dismissal of the girl’s mother? This is what the party asks of you, directly or through intermediaries.

The ANDPDCA, which methodologically deals with child protection policies, with DGASPC employees subordinate to the Provincial Council, constantly informs me about this case. Including pressure on the termination of the mother’s employment contract.

The answer to these questions from hateful people will be given by Gorj County Council Chairman Popescu.

As for me, I am convinced that the mother of the aggressive child is suffering. She will also have to bear the consequences of her daughter’s action, I imagine that there is no greater punishment for a mother than the legal repercussions that the teenager will bear. I am not in a position to say to what extent there is any connection between the child’s behavior and the family environment. There are institutions that review all these aspects.

What I can do, and I do not avoid it at all, is to ask the institutions to judge the facts objectively and not to confuse things.

I’d rather be drugged than abused just because a company starts in a certain part of the press. I would rather be cursed by everyone organized by PSD (of course it costs me more to handle the curses against my girl) than to do an injustice to a man with a simple uninspired statement that, for an unacceptable gesture of the child, the mother must receive no job, no matter where you work.

This is also a call to clarity and decency.

Let’s take children out of the equation of political struggles and focus on how we can create decent working and living conditions for Romanian families so that we can raise good children together ”, reacted the Minister of Labor on Facebook.

But, in turn, the Minister of Labor also made public the phone numbers of other public figures. Shortly after taking office, Violeta Alexandru made public the number of the owner of a pension fund, precisely to make him resign.

In other words, Violeta Alexandru’s topic is public on her page. In addition, when she took office, she made public the phone number of a director of a pension fund.
