VIDEO Unreal scenes in a school in Vaslui. Students fled class for fear of the COVID vaccine: “Animals! Are you killing my baby?


TO UPDATE: Representatives of the Vaslui County Police Inspectorate specified that they notified themselves after the appearance in public space of the video images of Murgeni. The police will analyze the filming to identify people and hold them accountable.

Initial novelty: Dozens of Roma ethnic groups stormed Murgeni’s school on Monday (September 28), demanding that teachers vaccinate their children and test them for COVID without informing their families. The Roma began to broadcast live on Facebook, shouting loudly that their children were being terrorized. Some parents entered the school yard, although according to the new regulations, given the epidemiological context, parental access to the school grounds, including their own yard, is totally prohibited.

Scared that things were getting out of control, the school representatives asked for the support of the Police, and several crews were sent to the scene. Meanwhile, images of students running away and parents yelling and insulting school officials were posted on Facebook.

“Look, live, you did anti-COVID without knowing the child’s family. Please give the distribution. Forget what’s here, world. They scared the kids! Scare the kids at school! Animals Forget it what is happening in Murgeni’s school. They terrorized poor children at school, they did anti-COVID tests, vaccination, “he shouted in front of the room of one of the parents, located near the school fence. Teachers try to reassure him, telling him that he is not getting vaccinated and reproaching him for behaving like a savage.The man does not believe the woman’s statements and continues the live broadcast on Facebook.

“The children, ma’am, ran away crying at home. How can you tell ? Hundreds of children fled the classroom. Please give the distribution. Forget how children’s parents run when they listen. Are we crazy for having come to save our children? Well, you kill my son, do you vaccinate him without knowing it? She vaccinated the children without informing their parents. How can children be vaccinated, lady, what heart has? Madam, you are not a man ”, the man is heard shouting in the video published by

No health action was taken at the Murgeni school on September 28, and the issue of vaccination or COVID-19 testing was not even raised. All the hysteria erupted after one of the students ran away from school and to apologize at home he told his parents that COVID vaccines are being given at school and that is why he ran away. Parents were alerted and went to school to take their children home.

The representatives of the Vaslui County Police Inspectorate specified that the incident did not result in any sanction, because the Roma calmed down after the policemen appeared. No fines were imposed on those who entered the schoolyard, although they did not have this right.

Video source: Youtube / vremeanoua

The Vaslui County School Inspectorate, through the County Center for Educational Resources and Assistance (CJRAE) recently carried out an action at the Murgeni school, to help students readjust to the particularities of the new school year, given the epidemiological context. The conclusions of the school counselors showed that the students here are skeptical and barely accept the rules.

A student from a professional class told me: “I do not believe in the virus, it sucks, there is no such thing,” and tried to remove the mask, insistently and respectfully, of his colleagues. put the mask back on). The same skepticism, but with greater compliance with the regulations, became visible in the high school classes, who, although they were given disinfectant before starting the discussion, used the mask throughout the discussion, openly stated that they “do not believe in the virus, because it is useless to keep the school in disguise, when they leave the school door they see how and with whom they want. ” They also mentioned that “they do not know anyone with COVID and that is why I do not believe in it.” I was marked by the answer, almost in unison, from a third class, made up 100% of gypsies, who asked: “What are the symptoms of this virus? What can happen to us?” They answered: “We are going to. wants girls to go to school online, “said a CJRAE Vaslui counselor.

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