VIDEO | Timisoara Mayor Nicolae Robu Nervous Breakdown at Election Meeting: “Go to USR, that’s your place, don’t blame me” | News, News Romania | Freedom


On the afternoon of September 9, Nicolae Robu was on an electoral visit in the Plopi neighborhood of Timisoara, in a playground, accompanied by several people from his team. The mayor took pictures with several children, without wearing a mask.

“Children are my biggest fans,” Robu said excitedly.

“Well, Mister Mayor, if children are your biggest admirers, why don’t you do the school for all the children here, the kindergarten, why don’t you renew it?” Intervened a woman in the park. Her tone is firm.

Robu explains that “there are not enough places in the whole city” for nurseries and kindergartens and that “there are many more children” than four years ago.

After about a minute, the mayor loses his temper and leaves. “Come on,” he says to the woman. She insists: “Get European projects. Money in projects. “Robu gets angry:” Are you teaching me lessons? We are the first in the country in terms of European funds. “

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“I did not come here for requests”

The dialogue continued to be virulent.

– Go to the party there, to the nonsense with which they indoctrinate you. (beckons her to leave)
– It’s not about the party, because I’m apolitical.

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The confessions of a serial rapist. Although he tried, Bogdan Giuseppe claims to have seen more than 100 girls in the last year, “for scientific research.”

– You don’t show me European funds.
“But I see that you do nothing for the children.”

“Can you let me talk to people?” You said you made your number.
“But you said your kids were your biggest fans.”

– This is how children appear. Yes, that shows if they are fans or not!
– I don’t even know, they are innocent and I don’t know.

“Let me talk to people, ma’am, because I didn’t come here to make requests.” Can you let me talk to people? Can you let me talk to people? Both of them. What done is done. There are things to do. I listen to you but I don’t come to stay for 10 minutes when there are so many people. Especially because we know … what clichés you tell me. Let me talk to people who really want to shrug their shoulders to do something else.
“They really aren’t clichés.”

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Complete guide for parents. 25 questions and answers about starting school

“That I did it, that I did it, that I did it.” Only here, bathrooms, gym. Have you even seen them? Did they make themselves?

Local press: Robu receives targeted audiences

Towards the end of the discussion, the mayor tells the woman that he did not go to the hearing for her. So it means going to USR, because that would be your place.

I didn’t come to the hearing for you. Go to USR, that’s your place, don’t blame me.

Nicolae Robu:

The local press has written over time that Mayor Robu receives hearings selectively, as there is no schedule for them on the City Council website.

Nicolae Robu’s main opponent in Timisoara City Council is USR, Dominic Fritz

What Mayor Robu says. “This is a blatant lie!

Libertatea contacted Nicolae Robu to find out his reaction to this incident. He denied having sent the woman to USR, although that is clear from the images.

“I didn’t express myself like that, it’s a blatant lie!” Says Robu. Then he “speculates” with the woman he was arguing with and says she was naughty.

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“I also pointed out to her that although she says that I did not do anything for the children, she is with her son in a very nice playground made by me, because if she looks around she sees other things for the children – Sports fields mentioned As she kept yelling at me cheekily, I told her to go behave like this at the party she attends, without making nominations, but with PSD in mind. When I’m there, what to see? Madam says I sent her to USR, Thus revealing which party he is attending! Too bad for the quality folks at USR that such specimens stuck to them! ”He declared.

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