VIDEO The first meeting of the National Committee for Emergency Situations, in which it will be decided what exactly the state of alert will be in Romania, beginning on Friday / Orban: Romanians will regain freedom of movement within the localities – Coronavirus


The National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU), created by government ordinance to manage the state of alert that will be established in Romania from Friday, met this afternoon and must decide what will happen during this period. Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, who heads the CNSU, said at the beginning of the meeting that with the establishment of the state of alert “the Romanians will regain freedom of movement within the towns” and mentioned some of the restrictions that will be lifted, warning that the population must “maintain a responsible attitude” to keep the coronavirus epidemic under control.

The main statements made by the Prime Minister at the beginning of the meeting of the National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU), which will decide what the alert state will be like in Romania:

  • At 24:00 the state of emergency ceases. The decision is to declare a state of alert to allow the authorities to take additional measures.
  • I think it is for the first time in history that a state of alert is declared in Romania. As such, we will face a new situation and we will have to behave responsibly, in order to apply all necessary measures during the alert state to limit the spread of the virus and ensure a transition to normality that we expect.
  • With the establishment of the alert state, tonight we will have to make all the decisions to establish rules and restrictions. to allow authorities to effectively combat the virus.
  • In the last week, there was a trend to reduce active cases, and the number of people who were cured of COVID was greater than those confirmed as positive.
  • I thank the Romanians for the exemplary manner in which they acted and the responsibility they showed in the 60 days of state of emergency.
  • The condition for maintaining this positive trend lies in maintaining this correct and responsible attitude of the population.
  • The outcome largely depends on how Romanians will maintain the correct attitude during this period.

Several restrictions will be lifted:

  • With the establishment of the state of alert and with the related decisions that we will take in the National Committee for Emergency Situations, a series of restrictions will be lifted.
  • Romanians will regain freedom of movement within the localities.
  • Travel outside of locations will be allowed for several important reasons. This will allow Romanian citizens to resume their activity in almost normal conditions.
  • Commercial spaces will be opened, those that have an exit and commercial spaces with an area of ​​less than 15,000 square meters.
  • Activity in hairdressers will resume, activity in dental offices will resume.
  • Normal hospital activity will resume, any restrictions regarding hospitalizations will be removed. Anyone, even if not in a situation to claim emergency hospitalization, will be able to benefit from medical services, which will imply the implementation with the maximum determination of the rules and protocols at the level of all hospitals in Romania.
  • A number of activities will resume, including individual sports activities.
  • Camp activities will resume for national teams. Sports activities will also be resumed under very strictly regulated conditions.
  • The number of social interactions, the opportunities for interaction between people will increase and this will imply an additional responsibility on the part of citizens for the behavior they will have in public transport, in commercial spaces, in all the activities for which they will be lifting the restrictions, because it is clear that the risk of infection increases with these restrictions, and limiting the risk of infection can only be determined by the correct behavior of citizens in the coming period: compliance with the rules, the use of a mask, the maintenance of physical sanitary distance, ensuring an interaction that does not allow the transmission of the virus, compliance with all the regulations related to work activity, compliance with the rules of conduct in commercial spaces, in all areas where necessary.

Romania emerges from the state of emergency on Friday, after 60 days, during which time constitutional rights and fundamental freedoms, such as the right to free movement or even the right to property, have been suspended.

The law on alertness comes into effect on May 18, which is why it was necessary to cover the legislative norms for the period from May 15 to 18.

However, in the alert state, some of the restrictions will remain in force and, unlike in other countries, schooling will not resume and restaurants and bars will remain closed. Parks are opening in place. It will also be mandatory to wear a protective mask.

“Today, the National Committee for Special Situations of Emergency declares the state of alert and will establish all the mandatory regulations that will maintain the preventive measures. We saw discussions in the public space related to the entry into force of the new law on the state of alert only Monday, and some politicians, who happen to be totally irresponsible, feed the idea of ​​a legislative vacuum.

Dear Romanians, there will be three days without rules and restrictions! A sudden return to the pre-pandemic situation is impossible. The virus ignores administrative acts, and prematurely giving up all rules that have proven to be good would be a serious mistake.

We have a legal framework and based on it, all decisions will be made so that, even in the next three days, we maintain all the necessary rules so that the health and lives of citizens are not in danger, “said Iohannis.
