VIDEO Romanian teacher: “A princess is dating someone who sells baraboi in the market.” High school reaction


Professor Daniela Fulga, from the “Liviu Rebreanu” National School in Bistrita, is the protagonist of some images that have been viralized on social networks.

The teacher explains, during the online classes, the plot of a fairy tale using vulgar language.

“It’s the love story, me!” She is among the daughter of a prince, the daughter of the president, she is screwed with one who sells baraboi in the market ”, says the teacher.

The director of the “Liviu Rebreanu” National College, Gălăţan Susana, declared by “Adevărul” that at the educational institution level “a Disciplinary Investigation Commission has been created that will analyze the attitude, the tone and what happened there”. The principal also says that the teacher caused the incident by the fact that she “lost her temper” at the time.

Until the investigation is completed, Professor Daniela Fulga will continue to teach Romanian Language and Literature classes online.

Article 280 of the National Education Law establishes that “(1) The teaching staff, the auxiliary teaching staff, as well as the direction, guidance and control staff in pre-university education will be disciplinary responsible for the culpable non-compliance of their functions by virtue of the individual employment contract, as well as for violating the rules of conduct that violate the interest of education and the prestige of the unit / institution, in accordance with the law.

(2) The disciplinary sanctions that may be applied to the personnel provided for in para. (1), in relation to the severity of the deviations, are:

a) written observation;

b) warning;

c) reduction of the base salary, accumulated, where appropriate, with the provision of management, guidance and control, up to 15%, for a period of 1-6 months;

d) the suspension, for a period of up to 3 years, of the right to register in a competition for the occupation of a higher educational position or for obtaining educational degrees or a position of management, guidance and control;

e) cessation of the position of direction, orientation and control in education;

f) Disciplinary resolution of the individual employment contract.

(5) Disciplinary investigation commissions are appointed by:

a) the board of directors of the pre-university education unit, for its teaching staff and directive staff;

b) the Minister of Education, Research, Youth and Sports, for guidance and control functions within the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports, as well as for the management staff of the county / Bucharest school inspectorates.

(6) Within the investigation of the alleged deviation, the facts and their consequences, the circumstances in which they were committed, the existence or not of guilt, as well as any other conclusive data will be established. The hearing of the investigated and the verification of his defense are obligatory. The refusal of the investigated person to appear at the hearing, although he was notified in writing with at least 48 hours in advance, as well as to give written statements, is noted in the minutes and does not prevent the completion of the investigation. The researched teacher has the right to know all the research documents and to present evidence in his defense.

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