VIDEO Revolt in the markets: “Let the supermarkets close, there is no virus there!”


Growers selling their last vegetables at the markets are desperate at the prospect of closing them early next week.

Most of them only manage to commercialize their products, either by selling themselves, directly in the markets, or by delivering them to the wholesale markets, which will no longer be able to “swallow” plant production.

Mountains of cabbage, potatoes, cauliflower, peppers, even tomatoes, roots, greens, etc. you risk reaching the landfill. Prices have fallen dramatically, but even under these conditions, producers sell little.

In the largest market in Slatina, Plaza Zahana, the producers, but also the merchants, those who, regardless of the season, “keep the market”, are desperate at the idea of ​​practically running out of the source of income.

“It was the only way we could sell cabbage. From a leu, it has already reached 70 coins, it is more and more … We still have about 10 tons. We do not have pigs, we do not have animals, we have nothing. We will keep it in stock. Maybe on holidays, but, you know, it won’t be the way we cut it, it doesn’t stay that way. We’ve been here with her for four days, “said a young man from Ghimpeţeni, who has been sitting with a full van for four days. cabbage.

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“We prayed to God not to give up the fog and they made us miserable. Now I had lettuce, spinach, chives, leeks … I had people at work, the powder was chosen! Look at these products. Wait another 30 days, how long do they close us ?! ”Explodes another producer, from Colibaşi, Olt county. “In our country, in the work of fools, it is a virus.” To close supermarkets, isn’t there a virus ?! ”, Another rebelled.

The representative of the company that manages the markets in Slatina, Mariana Vişan, stated that hundreds of families depend on the activity in the markets. On the one hand there are the producers, who will have losses that are difficult to assess, and on the other hand, the merchants, who pay their fees for this activity, support their children in their studies, they simply live.

The most annoying thing, says Vişan, is that they are not blamed for anything in particular, since they have started their disinfection activity, the hygiene conditions adopted would be impeccable in the markets they manage. On the other hand, the adoption of similar measures for large chain stores has never been questioned, in which the risks would be at least as high, if not greater.

Also, a once-thriving market in Slatina is close to bankruptcy due to the fact that it is close to the Kaufland store, and a move like suspending business for an entire month will likely lead to the entire business going bankrupt.

“We have two destroyed markets out of a pack of four, because we handle them in one pack, and if we close our business, I am firmly convinced that we come back with all the tenants, with the producers and the people who own companies in the four markets, never we will meet again. A man who left the activity does not stay behind us for a month, two, nine, he tries something else, he has to live, “added Vişan.

“It is clear that the measure to close the covered agri-food markets does nothing more than encourage imports.”

The associated producers in Salvemos la Unión Campesina Rumana have already reacted, sanctioning the announced measure. They point out that this measure also compromises future production, because gardeners will think about the profitability of their business and, most likely, many will stop setting up new crops, especially those without firm contracts. with the big retailers, and they are the majority.

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We are aware that the population and we must be protected in the context of the current pandemic, we in turn respect the imposed rules, but at the same time those in power must be aware that small producers, family farms do not they will be able to continue their activity. It is obvious that the measure to close covered agri-food markets does nothing more than encourage imports, decapitalize the small producer, it is obvious that the fact that small farmers and family farms will have to prepare for new harvests is not taken into account. at this point they are undercapitalized.

Last but not least, it is obvious that it was not taken into account that there are producer stores in the agri-food markets, which in turn will also close ”, warn the associated producers in the aforementioned union. They accuse the Ministry of Agriculture of turning it into a simple paying agency, without really supporting family farms.

“The ministry was limited to what the European Union ordered by regulation, state aid was not granted to small farmers and family farms, in a word the ministry did not take any action, was not consulted, lacked vision, transformed into a paying agency. He limited himself to promises, ”accuse the peasants, threatening to organize to protest.

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