VIDEO MĂCEL between two families: 15 people arrived at the hospital, the intervention of the special troops of combatants was needed – News sources


Fifteen people arrived at the hospital on Sunday night, following a scandal that broke out between two families, in a commune of Dolj. During the altercation the windows of some houses and the cars of the people involved were smashed.

According to a statement from the Dolj County Police, police at the 3rd Bucovăt Rural Police Station were notified on Sunday evening that, in Podari commune, there had been an altercation between several people.

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Several police gangs, a gang of gendarmes, a group of SAS Dolj fighters were directed to the place, who established that a conflict broke out between members of two families over the consumption of alcoholic beverages, being more involved. many people, during which blunt objects were used. After the conflict, 15 people were transferred to the hospital, being aware and cooperating, ”said IPJ Dolj.

The cited source mentioned that damage was caused during the altercation, breaking the windows of some houses and some of the cars involved.

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A first aid team, an intensive care team and a special transport vehicle and multiple victims from ISU Dolj and two ambulances from SAJ Dolj intervened at the scene of the incident.

In the case, the police have prepared a criminal case for coups or other types of violence, destruction and disturbance of public order and peace, and investigations are continuing to establish the exact fact, identify all the participants, and take legal action.

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