VIDEO Dominic Fritz, after Timiş remained the only “red county”: We tested for COVID how all of Romania should test. It is a problem that in other parts of the country we lie to ourselves – Coronavirus


Timisoara Mayor Dominic Fritz warns that there is not enough evidence against COVID-19 in Romania, and this “gives a false impression of security.” He claims that the reason Timiș remained the only “red” county in Romania is that it is being tested quite a bit.

“The ITAs are full again”

  • “We are a county that is on the red stage and, unfortunately, the rate continues to increase, yesterday it reached more than four cases per thousand inhabitants, in Timisoara. And the number of deaths continues to rise. Hospital doctors tell me that the ATIs are full again.
  • At the same time, we know that the new British strain is beginning to spread in Romania, which is much more contagious than the one known so far. This is something that should concern us all and the prayer of all is to protect the most vulnerable and respect all measures. We all have the feeling that it must end once and for all, but unfortunately the danger has not passed ”, declared the mayor of Timişoara at a press conference on Tuesday.

“In other parts of the country we lie to ourselves and that gives us the impression of false security.”

He claims that the reason Timişoara and Timiş County have a higher infection rate is that they are being screened en masse.

  • “My impression, if I look at the numbers, is that we have several known cases because we, in Timiş, test how Romania should test. I think it is a problem that in other parts of the country we lie to each other and that gives us the impression of false security Fritz said.

According to him, in Timiş, on average, around 1,500 PCR tests are carried out weekly per 100,000 inhabitants. The national average is 700 tests per 100,000 inhabitants and 10% of all tests carried out in Romania are carried out in Timiş county.

The mayor of Timisoara says there is an urgent need for a unit testing policy, nationwide, that shows that this data should be public about the number of tests performed in each county, because otherwise “we see that a County that is green on paper is perhaps more in danger than one that is on red paper. ” “I’m just saying that others don’t take it seriously enough and that has negative effects,” Fritz said.

“Give the vaccine where the demand is greatest”

He also wants transparency regarding the allocation of vaccine doses and says that the criteria for the allocation of vaccines should be changed, based on demand, by the number of appointments.

  • “It is absurd that the people of Timişoara have to travel to other counties. Get vaccinated where the demand is greatest. I understand very well that Romania, like everywhere else in the world, is more willing to vaccinate than the available doses (…)
  • My call is to have greater predictability and to be informed when it is planned to open, how many vaccination centers and flows ”, said Fritz.
In Timiş County, the infection rate on Tuesday is 3.51 cases per 1,000 residents, while in Timişoara it is 4.31 cases per 1,000 residents. (Source:
