VIDEO Against in Parliament between the new Prime Minister and PSD / Simonis: Mr. Ludovic Cîțu, blink and we save you / Cîțu: Tupeu on the brink of numbness like today, less often – Politics


The meeting at which the Cîțu government received the investiture vote was an occasion of stiff opposition between PSD leaders and the new prime minister. The Social Democrats mocked the new prime minister, calling him “Ludovic Cîțu” and accused the new Coalition of worrying about the division of functions and money, not about the welfare of Romanians. “Aren’t you done being here?” Another government of Cîțu scares you. I saw a lot in Parliament, but bravely on the brink of callousness like today, less often, ”replied Cîțu, who was booed from the hall several times.

The PNL – USR-PLUS – UDMR government, headed by Florin Cîțu, approved the Parliament vote. There were 260 votes “in favor” and 186 “against.”

HotNews broadcasts LIVE the parliamentary session.

18.40 Florin Cîțu thanks those who voted for him and the Romanians. “Thanks for the work too,” he said.

18.35 The government of Cîțu receives the investiture vote. 260 votes in favor, 186 against.

18.22 The voting ends.

17.32 The voting has started.

17.32 Ludovic Orban explains the voting procedure.

17.25 Florin Cîțu:

  • Aren’t you done being here? You are scared by another government of Cîțu. I have seen a lot in Parliament, but I dare to feel insensitive like today, less often.
  • (boos in the hallway)
  • Friend, how did you leave the economy? 50 billion debts we pay. We had to pay for sick leave that you haven’t paid for in years.
  • Dear Romanians, it will be fine.

17:18 Alfred Simonis (PSD):

  • It was a mock hearing, with no press. Without precedents. You didn’t want the press because these candidates would have made fun of you.
  • The Romanians listened to the president, so as not to give power to a single man, they left. PSD won the elections.
  • Mr. Ludovic Cîțu, haven’t you run yet? What role do you have in this government? Blink and we’ll save you.

17.04 Vasile Dâncu (PSD):

  • I read the program and it is an anthology of texts. The draft that we will give: all the fantasies, promises and hopes passed there will be follow-up indicators that we will do daily.
  • I saw something in the government program that I don’t understand. There has been a war of politics with all forms of religion. It seems that the current government forgets that there are churches in Romania.

16.57 Claudiu Târziu (AUR)

  • PSD proved to be a very good critic, but sadly he is equally guilty of the current situation in the country.

16.50 Gabriela Firea (PSD):

  • When will the rulers apologize to the children and the teachers?
  • It was convenient for the government to keep the schools closed, but it was dramatic for the students.

16.41 Radu Mihai (USR-PLUS):

  • It is hypocritical that the first president of the Senate had the courage to lecture USR-PLUS, when he was appointed prime minister to put Dragnea on the GEO 13 tray.

16.36 Virgil Guran (NLP):

  • I attended the government lessons received from the opposition. Do we really have such a fluid memory? You were the only people who led Romania to file a motion against its own Government. Did you forget that you had Viorica Dăncilă as Prime Minister?
  • We are having a hard time. There are great things to do.

16.26 Sorin Grindeanu (PSD):

  • Probably, if a contest for the person who plays the worst prime minister had been organized, Florin Cîțu would have won completely.
  • How exactly to support the prime minister who cut the health budget by 22% when the pandemic broke out? Even if he had tried to find the worst option for prime minister, he would not have succeeded so well.
  • In one year, Mr. Cîțu owed us for at least the next 30 years
  • There is a red thread in this program: sell everything. It was proposed to sell Romania with Transylvania, as Mr. Iohannis said.

16.24 Varujan Pambuccian (minorities): We will vote for this government.

16.17 Csoma Botond (UDMR):

  • The results of the parliamentary elections offered three center-right parties to form a governing coalition. We trust that this government will do everything possible in the short term to overcome this crisis.
  • In the medium term, this government needs to strengthen the economy.

16.09 George Simion (AUR):

  • My message today is that the Romanian people know: Parliament’s restaurants are open, the entire Horeca sector must open.
  • They fine you if you don’t wear a mask, they stayed at 2pm like hyenas.
  • Romanian people, it is time to reopen the schools. That is what we ask of the new government. The future of our children is at stake.
  • I want to tell the Romanians why such a rush. This Government, all commissions must have secretaries, positions, salaries of their money. The big bet is the budget they have shared.
  • It hurts, I know, it will hurt worse and worse
  • You refuse to pay taxes, fees.

16.03 Ionuț Moșteanu (USR-PLUS):

  • Romania is changing. The time has come to rule Romania.
  • We have been forcing you to change for the last 4 years.
  • We are the only party that has seen a significant increase from one term to another.
  • We are here because Dan Barna was on the street to coordinate “No Penalties”, we are here because Dan Barna kept us together.

15.59 Gabriel Andronache (NLP):

  • The actions of the future parliament and government should focus on the management of the pandemic, the health system, the vaccination campaign, the protection of jobs and employers.
  • The government is focused on reforming large public systems.

15.52 Marcel Ciolacu (PSD)

  • You lost the elections. The Romanians sent you home because you put our health, life, jobs and your children’s education at risk. But you didn’t understand anything. Instead of going home, you put your hand under the table in a hurry.
  • You put on a straw premiere
  • Mr. Orban-Cîțu, you have drawn up a list of interests.
  • You have come to loot everything you can.
  • This government was already born dead. You know that you will leave very quickly and hence the desperation to put yourself in charge in the brain of the night
  • The PSD will not vote for such a government, you are a national disgrace
  • Mr. Orban, you expected to be saved, but now it’s the darkest nightmare you’ve ever had.

14.45 Florin Cîțu presents the government program

“Starting today, I am announcing to everyone that I will monitor the goals we set for ourselves,” Cîțu said. More work and less declarations ”, he specified.

“I want to assure retirees and those who need help that we will not leave anyone behindadded.

15.42 Prime Minister-designate Florin Cîțu was greeted with applause, but also boos. “Those who boo should go to the stadium,” Orban said.

15.41 Ludovic Orban leads the match. He specified that so far 455 parliamentarians have been validated, so the new Government needs 228 votes for the investiture.

15.33 The plenary session began. There are 363 parliamentarians who registered their presence.

15.07 The plenary session scheduled for 3:00 p.m. has not yet started
