Victory for the environment. The “Forest DNA” project was voted in the Chamber of Deputies


The bill called “DNA of the forest” was voted in the Chamber of Deputies with 200 votes in favor, 107 abstentions and 4 against. The bill will go to the Senate, which is the decision-making chamber.

According to the bill, the Environmental Crime Investigation Directorate is headed by a chief prosecutor.

The management has the following powers: carry out the criminal investigation for the crimes provided for in the management’s competence by this law and by special laws; carry out, supervise and control the acts of criminal investigation, made available to the prosecutor by agents and agents of the judicial police organized within specialized structures in the fight against environmental crime, at the central and territorial level; notify the courts to take the measures provided by law, to judge cases, as well as to exercise appeals, participate in court hearings in cases where prosecutors from the Environmental Crime Investigation Directorate notified the courts or exercised appeals or in which, according to the law, the participation of the public prosecutor is obligatory in relation to the crimes typified by this law in the competence of the management.

Within the institution, officers or agents of the judicial police function, on secondment, under the direct leadership and direct control of the prosecutors of the management, within the positions provided by law.

The commission of services of agents and agents of the judicial police is ordered at the request of the Chief Prosecutor of the Directorate of Investigation of Environmental Crimes by the Minister of the Interior, for a period of 6 years, with the possibility of extension every 3 years, with Your consent. says this legislative initiative.

“Within the Environmental Crime Investigation Directorate, there are, within the limits of the posts provided for by law, commissioned officers and police officers to carry out quickly and exhaustively the discovery and prosecution activities of the crimes provided by law within the competence of the management “., is also shown in the project, according to Agerpres.

Dan Barna: We lose a billion euros a year just for forest theft

“The health and functioning of the environment is a really important problem for society. We must go through the phase in which we adopt laws on environmental protection that strictly aim at the artistic impression. We need laws and institutions that address the problems as arise. We lose a billion euros a year just from forest theft. Billion And we risk losing hundreds of thousands of euros as a result of infringement procedures. And, especially, lives are lost. People killed by poisoned air or people sick with poisoned air in the big cities of Romania, including Bucharest. From this perspective, the cost-benefit ratio is clearly in favor of forest DNA. I ask, and I have every confidence, that the government will apply the law after vote. ”Affirms the deputy Dan Barna, president of the USR, according to a statement.

USR also appeals to the Government “who now has a different vision on the bill “, to support the implementation of forest DNA after the final vote.

In Romania we have a very, very serious environmental problem. Both in illegal logging and in the protection of the game reserve, but also in other elements of nature: water, land, air. Such a structure would only make the judicial bodies responsible for conducting investigations, conducting investigations and ordering the prosecution of those who violate the most basic rules of coexistence. It is very important to make a common front. The government, which now has a different vision, I hope to support this direction, understanding that through the reports that this structure will give annually, due to the fact that it will have to show us what it did, it will hold the prosecution responsible and the results will not take long. reach. This project is not a project for a specific party, but it is for each one of us, for each one of the Romanians who want to live in a country where the environment is respected.. ”, Declares USR deputy Stelian Ion, member of the Legal, Discipline and Immunities Commission, co-initiator of the law.
