This decision did not suit Liviu Dragnea, who challenged the decision of the penitentiary in court, especially as working days reduce the length of detention.
The magistrates decided that Dragnea’s right to work was violated, being the final decision.
Based on art. 29 par. 5 of Law 47/1992 rejects, as inadmissible, the exception of unconstitutionality, invoked by the petitioner Dragnea Nicolae Liviu. Based on art. 56 of Law no. 254/2013, admits the appeal filed by the convicted petitioner Dragnea Nicolae Liviu against conclusion no. 684 / I9.08.2O20 of the judge who supervises the deprivation of liberty of the Rahova Penitentiary. It annuls the contested conclusion and tries again: it finds that the convicted person had his right to work regulated by the provisions of art. 78 of Law No. 254/2013, in the period 02.07.2020 – 15.09.2020 ″, is shown in the court decision.
On the other hand, in a separate trial, District Court 5 confirmed other disciplinary sanctions imposed by the penitentiary against Dragnea.
Based on art. 104 of Law no. 254/2013 partially admits the appeal filed by the petitioner from the Bucharest Rahova Penitentiary against finding no. 591 / 17.07.2020 of the judge who supervises the deprivation of liberty of the Rahova Penitentiary.
The defendant Dragnea Nicolae Liviu is in charge of committing the disciplinary offenses provided for by the provisions of art. 81 letter l) and the provisions of art. 82 letter q) of Law no. 254/2013. It maintains the disciplinary sanction applied to the defendant, reduced by finding no. 591 / 17.07.2020 of the judge who supervises the deprivation of liberty of the Rahova Penitentiary ”, the magistrates decided.
Art. 81 letter l) of Law no. The 254/2013 establishes: “Convicted persons have the following obligations: (…) Comply with any other obligation derived from this law, its development regulations, the orders and resolutions issued by virtue of the same and the Internal Regulations of the Penitentiary Center “. , And art. 82 letter q) stipulates: “The convicted are prohibited from: (…) the improper use or for other purposes of the goods made available by the prison administration.”
The National Penitentiary Administration then alleged that it did not authorize Dragnea to give that interview, and the Rahova Penitentiary sanctioned the former Social Democratic leader with the lifting of the right to work in the prison car workshop.