Víctor Ponta DOES NOT go into isolation, although he is in contact with a person with COVID-19: ‘I campaign in compliance with all safety regulations’ – News from sources


Víctor Ponta announces that he continues with his electoral campaign, although on Thursday he had direct contact with a person confirmed with coronavirus on Friday. The leader of Pro Romania affirms that during the campaign events he respects all the prevention rules and, even if he appears in a photo at a table with the person with COVID-19, without a mask, this happened only for a few seconds, provided that the image. The former prime minister once again criticizes the Orban government’s decision to endanger people by holding pandemic elections.

“Mrs. Doctor Aurelia Taga (PRO Romania candidate for the presidency of the Bacau County Council) unfortunately contracted, like many other doctors, the new coronavirus!

I wish you, on behalf of the PRO Romania team, good health. Unfortunately, these elections should NOT have taken place under these conditions, but the electoral interests of the PNL and PSD are more important than public health!

I campaign with PRO Romania candidates: respecting all safety rules (mask, disinfectant, number of people, events in open spaces) / including the timing of the photos (when I remove the mask) is organized by the staff of safe way! I will do everything in my power to protect my family, colleagues, and everyone I interact with!

But, I sound the alarm once again, the stubbornness of Orban and those of the NLP and PSD in making elections during this period, will bring a huge cost for the Romanians! And the responsibility must lie with the guilty! ”, Writes Ponta on Facebook.

Pro Romania’s Candidate for Bacău County Council Presidency, Dr Aurelia Ţaga, was diagnosed with COVID-19, after one of her colleagues was also diagnosed. Zaga says that for now she is asymptomatic. A day ago she appeared in several photos, together with the party leader Victor Ponta and the mayor of Bacău Cosmin Necula, without a mask, but she claims that they gave up the mask and the distance only while the photo was taken, so neither Ponta
