Victor Ponta demands parliamentary investigation: prefect of NLP sells modular hospital in OLX – Source news


Pro Romania leader Victor Ponta says his party will call for a parliamentary investigation after a modular hospital bought with 10 million lei has been idle for three months and the liberal prefect is considering putting OLX up for sale.

“HERE IS YOUR MONEY !!! In the fake NLP campaign and in ghost hospitals !!! Unfortunately they are NOT in Health / but the Orban NLP government has thrown them into dubious tricks and acquisitions, business with masks, overalls and hospitals ghosts.

The Orban government paid 12 million RON for a field hospital in Bacau / Minister Tataru himself brought it with Deputy Palar / they took photos / they bragged in the press they paid with public money / they left and the hospital was abandoned in the courtyard of the Local Police! Now the prefect of NLP wants to get rid of the Ghost Hospital / sell OLX! 12 million RON of public money for health – put it in the basket! They don’t have pension money, they don’t have allowance money, they don’t have money for Romanian companies, because they waste money on tricks and deals!

PRO Romania will request a full parliamentary investigation for all the billions invested in acquisitions without auctions! The money must be recovered, the guilty must pay! We are PRO Romania, and we only care about Romania! ”Victor Ponta wrote on Facebook.

Also read: Ion Cristoiu, incendiary accusations: Iohannis tried to minimize the accident not for the sake of Bode, but for that of Pahonțu.
