Veterinarians’ Warning About a “Covid-19 Antidote”: “Ivermectin Has Carcinogenic Effects”


One of the doctors who reacted on his social media page about the veterinary drug Ivermectin, which would have “an extraordinary effect” in the fight with Covid-19, is Dr. Ovidiu Rosu from Bucharest. Ivermectin is, in fact, an antiparasitic strictly for animals.

“Although I firmly believe that veterinarians know more about human medicine than human veterinarians, it happens that people are still animals, please from the depths of my professional life as a veterinarian with PhDeu online, stop suffocating us. With absurdities and totally unethical and illegal issues about the operation of animal products in humans and not depleting our stock of ivermectin, intended for animals, for own consumption !!! The veterinarian DOES NOT WANT to prescribe, consult, suggest, ANYONE from a medical point of view You have your doctors and you MUST go to them to consult them! We with these dignities can lose our right to practice or even get in trouble if we please.

P.S. It is also the other way around. Don’t make the doctors from hell think for a second that you would have the right to do any animal medicine just to be a doctor, ”wrote veterinarian Ovidiu Roşu on his Facebook page.

Another extremely harsh message came from the veterinarian Petru Antonio Mureşan. He explained that studies on this drug raise questions even in animals.

“I see more and more posts with the miracle antidote to Covid-19: ivermectin. Anti-smoking activists and other social media promoters are promoting this substance as the drug that instantly cures the terrible pandemic. Unfortunately, I have even seen colleagues promote it. That is why I decided to bring essential clarifications here for all acquaintances who read my posts.

First of all, let me tell you that initially I was also against vaccination, because I did not have enough information and I did not like the idea of ​​mandatory vaccination. Now that I have studied, read and documented extensively over the past 30 days, from both official and fantasy sources, I can say with certainty that I will be vaccinated. Because although there are risks in the medium and long term, no one can be sure of the side effects of the vaccine today, these risks are MUCH less than the risk of contracting the virus and developing a serious, even fatal, form of the disease. . “explained Dr. Mureşan.

And now clarify with IVERMECTIN. It is an active principle discovered in 1975 and approved for veterinary use in 1981. It is used in the treatment of parasites in animals, being effective in the control of internal parasites (generic – worms), except Fasciola (yellow worms) and external parasites: fleas , ticks, lice and scabies It seems that there is a product for human use, Stromectol, that I personally have not seen in any pharmacy in our country, I do not know anything about this product.

Regarding the use of ivermectins for veterinary use, regardless of the form of presentation, in the treatment of Covid-19, CAN’T SPEAK! Although this substance also has an immunostimulatory effect, in treated animals it is simply an antiparasitic, so it does NOT kill viruses (viruses).

In addition, veterinarians have clearly established protocols for administration to animals. These foresee a waiting time, from the administration of ivermectin to the animal until the consumption of products, meat, milk, eggs, of that animal (generally more than 30 days). Because it has been found that although it is very good as an antiparasitic, ivermectin has carcinogenic effects by accumulating in the body.

Therefore, dear friends and acquaintances, you are NOT treated according to rumors and sources. Vaccination is the only sure way to avoid infection with Covid-19! ”Concluded Petru Antonio Mureşan, Cluj veterinarian.

It’s not just vets who have reacted to ivermectin. And pulmonologists have pointed out that there are no definitive studies to confirm that this veterinary drug can treat the disease that has taken over the entire planet.

“Please don’t ask me for ivermectin. I never heard of pneumonia being treated with dewormers. Jesus Christ. The world is going crazy,” wrote Flavia Grosan, a primary pulmonologist.

Thousands of people commented on the posts. Some said they trusted Ivermectin and even bought the drug, others put the whole story on the stage of “planetary conspiracies” or expressed mistrust in those managing the pandemic.

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