Vali Vijelie’s statements led to an investigation by the Constanța police. What boss would have sat at the table with her?


The turbulent waters in which the Romanian Police bathe are shaken by a new scandal.

IPJ Constanța checks after singer Vali Vijelie stated that last weekend, when hundreds of people gathered at a concert in Mamaia, he was close to one of the police chiefs and even drank with him. In addition, the singer presumes that he was not even fined.

On August 28, the singer Vali Vijelie gave a concert in the Mamaia spa, where hundreds of people gathered, regardless of the rules of distance.

Later, the police interrupted the party and the local administrator was fined.

At the show “The world speaks” from ProTV, Vali Vijelie made controversial statements: “The chief of police was with me at the table, I drank a splash ”.

Vali Vijelie did not give a name or say which police chief he was talking about.

Contacted later to provide more details on the matter, the singer withdrew his remarks saying they were spoken “in a joking spirit.”

Vijelie lied: he was fined

Whether or not the artist’s statements were a joke, the IPJ Constanța police officers will now try to find out, because the controls on this event have been demarcated.

Furthermore, even if the interpreter claims that he was not fined, the police specified that Vali Vijelie was fined 1,000 lei for disturbing public order.

Indeed, the Romanian police are going through a difficult period.

The head of the Inspection General resigned, after the meeting he had with the representative of an underworld group, but not before signing a detachment order.

He sent the deputy of the Capital Police to Harghita, he would have held him responsible for the appearance in the press of the images with the meeting between him and the head of the underworld.
