Vali Vijelie, fined on the beach after a match that did not respect social distance


A huge party heated up on Friday night, in front of a bar in Năvodari, where singer Vali Vijelie was giving a concert.

Tourists flocked to hear the artistic moment, regardless of the distance.

Several police teams immediately appeared, trying to cover up the party’s music with the sound of sirens.

In the end, the party broke up and both the singer and the local manager were fined.

In the scenes captured by witnesses, on Friday night, you can see how people gather to contemplate the artistic moment supported by the singer of manele on this terrace, regardless of the distance. Those who captured the moments say that local representatives would have set tables for customers, even on the sidewalk.

The ad hoc party was “disturbed” by various police teams, who tried to cover the music of the party with the sound of sirens.

Andreea Iliescu, spokesperson for IPJ Constanţa: “In the Mamaia Sat area, several people gathered to watch a singer perform live. The police used the ramps of the crew’s vehicles in conjunction with verbal warnings to disperse the crowd. “

The partygoers put their appetite for fun on the spot and walked away. However, the singer, but also the owner of the place, was fined for disturbing public order.

Andreea Iliescu, spokesperson for IPJ Constanţa: “The administrator of the respective company was chosen with a fine of 2,500 lei for organizing parties, the interpreter was sanctioned with a fine of 1,000 lei.”

Despite the health crisis and the rules of social distancing, it is not the first episode of its kind to be caught this summer by the sea.

About a week ago, a local in Costinesti, where Vali Vijelie himself would have given a concert, was fined by the police for not respecting health protection measures.

Both Vama Veche and Mamaia served this season as dance floors for partygoers who were going on vacation and looking to have fun at all costs, without respecting the rules imposed by the authorities.

During the day, a new large-scale operation: cleaning among street vendors, who ignore the hygiene rules on the beach.

Sellers are not licensed or skins. I tempt tourists with corn, fruit, and pastries.

The culprits return, however, unrestricted on the arena.

Andreea Iliescu: “Since the beginning of this month and so far only in this area, more than 300 sanctions have been applied.”

The fines range from 1,000 to 2,500 lei. Paid fast, in 15 days, they are cut in half.
