Journalist Val Vâlcu spoke about the vaccination campaign in Romania.
“Vaccine related. DC News wrote about attempts to take over the vaccination group, to take over the INSP database, somewhere in January, when, according to our information, they were threatened with resignation. Colonel Gheorghiţă denied it, refused to admit it, threatening them with resignation: “If you put on your man, do it, straighten up, I will resign, I will take responsibility, not just the image.” That was the point.
The blurb read: “Did you threaten Gheorghiţă with his resignation?” Do not! On the contrary, it was Gheorghiţă who threatened to resign. Because the vaccination, let’s face it, was done by the army. With ANM, with DSP, whatever you want, now you didn’t have a thousand doses of vaccine. You didn’t have approvals, you didn’t have a supply chain, they got tangled in the laces and their pants fell off. They had a hundred permits. He had no vaccine.
It was this very good strategy to keep the booster doses. The idea of vaccinating the doctors first was excellent. The fierce populism of France, of other leaders, ‘take the old men’ … and millions of old men. Wouldn’t it be better to vaccinate a hundred thousand doctors and know that they are no longer afraid of them, go to the hospital and take care of those elderly, than to have a hundred thousand more in the elderly?
I think that according to Voiculescu, that’s why I say it could be a strategy, they wanted to take this from January, “Val Vâlcu declared during the” Deferiţi mass-media “program.