VACCINE FOR COVID-19. Who will be the Romanians who will be administered. See here if you are on the list


Not all Romanians will be able to get vaccinated against Covid-19. There will be no dose for the entire population. So who are the people who will be vaccinated for the first time?

Andrei Baciu, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health, explained who will be able to vaccinate against Covid-19.

“It is important to establish a vaccination strategy. The vaccine, as in any other case, must be administered to the most biologically vulnerable. In this category we are talking about older people, people with chronic diseases, who have lower immunity. We are also talking about people who have an occupational risk, such as doctors. We look at the statistics we have in Romania. We see that there were occasions when one in ten to twelve infected people came from medical personnel. What does this mean? By the nature of the profession, they are much more exposed and infected faster, ”Andrei Baciu, Secretary of State for the Ministry of Health, told DC News.

The specialist explained that the first people to be vaccinated are those who work in critical sectors for a society, such as the health system, education, the army, everything that means internal affairs, everything that keeps the State running.

This is the answer:
