USR won six ministries! Leader PLUS, Dacian Cioloș: ‘We do not avoid ministries considered heavy or’ risky ‘- News from sources


PLUS leader Dacian Cioloș comes with clarifications after USR won six ministries following Friday night negotiations with PNL and USR. “Our main objective was to be able to show that we have the capacity to carry out major reforms in large and important areas for Romania and that we do not avoid ministries considered heavy or ‘risky’,” says the former prime minister.

“I saw many discussions after the agreement I made yesterday with PNL and UDMR about the portfolios that USR PLUS will obtain in the future Government.

Our main objective was to be able to demonstrate that we have the capacity to carry out important reforms in large and important areas for Romania and that we do not avoid ministries considered heavy or “risky”. You probably remember that we were accused of running for government when we didn’t, because no one gave us this opportunity. Now, the voters have given us a vote to enter the government and we have taken it as such.

I do not think that it is necessary to explain too much why Justice and Health are ministries where without rapid and consistent reforms we will not advance much.

The Ministry of European Funds and the National Resilience Plan are in fact the true Ministry of Finance for the next few years, given the state of Romania’s budget with a large deficit. The relaunch of the economy and the evolution of jobs will depend on the full attraction and investment of European money.

The priorities negotiated by USR PLUS at the European level with the Council will become the main investment priorities at home: the Digital Revolution, the Green Transition, Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness, Administrative Reform, the New Generation (youth and children) and the Social Cohesion are the priority areas in which you invest quickly and consistently, because we already have solutions and a plan.

Transport is probably the most important “construction site” in Romania, where we will show you that if you work efficiently and competently you can stimulate investment projects started and you can open projects planned for more than 30 years.

Research has always been the poor sister of education. We will show that this field is indeed a priority, because many important economic sectors currently depend on research. The evolution of the digital, health and some industries depends on the capacity for innovation and the implementation of results. Digitization is already one of the European priorities that can bring significant investments into Romania, and the recent establishment of a European cybersecurity agency based in Romania shows that we are already on the right track.

The Ministry of the Economy, together with entrepreneurship and tourism, must enter into a completely different logic than up to now. One of constant dialogue with entrepreneurs, where the priority is to restart activity for the HoReCa and Tourism sector, which has constant Romanian capital and is affected by the pandemic crisis. Many jobs depend on this ministry and the performance of the future minister.

In conclusion, we have assumed important responsibilities and ministries where reform is fundamental. It is up to us how we will earn their trust further, “writes Dacian Cioloș.
