USR-PLUS conditions for a government with NLP: “No sanctions”, elimination of all special pensions, reduction of the number of parliamentarians to 300


The USR-PLUS proposal document can be accessed HERE.

The main measures with which the Alliance will enter into negotiations to form a government coalition are:

“- There are no criminals in public office. Prohibition of holding elected public office for criminally convicted persons who have not been rehabilitated. Vote on the text supported by 1 million citizens in Parliament, with the votes of the ruling coalition. Organize the referendum to change the Constitution in the first three months after the end of the COVID-19 epidemic

– Elimination of special pensions for parliamentarians and mayors, as well as the calculation of all pensions according to the same system. The equality of Romanians in relation to the pension means an equal contribution, an equal pension. Elimination of double benefits: accumulation of special pensions, special pensions and low retirement ages, which increases the low retirement ages for those receiving special / service pensions and increases the minimum length of service to receive a special / service pension .

“Don’t die with justice in your hand.” Healing justice by correcting its laws, abolishing the Special Section, restarting DNA activity. In addition, functional justice for citizens through clear measures that make them receive quick and fair solutions for their cases.

– Change the way public office is carried out: limit the number of parliamentarians to 300, elect mayors in two rounds, increase the representation of Romanians in the diaspora, vote by mail and electronic vote, open lists of candidates.

– Online publication and citizen access to all public expenditures, all public contracts and all relevant information on state institutions, from the Government to the municipalities.

– An administration at the service of the citizen: fewer and more efficient mayors, without thousands of agencies, a Romania without imposture, without Local Barons

– Create the necessary infrastructure so that citizens no longer walk on paper between institutions, but rather to circulate information electronically, safely, quickly and easily. Build “digital highways” between state institutions that have databases so that they can communicate effectively with each other.

– Financing fund for a modern sanitary infrastructure. Improve the health of Romanians through measures such as: family doctors in all communes and nurses in all villages of the country until 2024, doubling the performance of national prevention programs, rewarding people who lead a lifestyle health and introduce health education in schools.

– Encourage competition in the health system so that all Romanians have the right to choose in terms of health services and insurance and benefit from financial support from the state through which they can make this decision effectively.

– Guarantee the access of Romanians, in a 100% compensated regime, to essential medicines on the World Health Organization list.

– Increase the quality of medical care and patient safety through measures that ensure continuous professionalization. Creation of the first National Program for the Improvement of the Quality of the Medical Act, which will award educational and financial awards to medical teams that improve their results, as well as hospitals that implement specific projects to increase the safety of the medical act and the patient experience.

– Establishment of a National Fund for Health Innovation to stimulate the development of digitalized solutions and telemedicine through which to de-bureaucratize medical practice and bring the doctor closer to the patient.

– De-politicization of Romanian pre-university education and placing the child at the center of the system. Dissolution of school inspections and transformation of school principals into successful managers, chosen by competition.

– Being able to choose the school your child attends, among several good options. Decisions in public schools should not be made by the ministry and the mayor’s office, but by the school board. Rethink the subjects and establish a simplified national curriculum, completed by an additional one chosen by the student or the school. An easier process to establish and operate private kindergartens, schools and secondary schools. School from 8 to 5, hot food and after school.

– Organization and development of 8 Regional Centers to Support Online Education, to provide support to schools in conducting online classes; from high-speed internet connection and equipment acquisition to digital skills training for teachers.

– The development of Romania through investments in strategic industries at the European level and in competitive advantages at the local level: green technology, digital, ecotourism, creative industries.

– Increase the competitiveness and economic performance of small and medium farmers through access to: know-how, associative forms and collection centers with integrated services (“food hubs”) and to various sales channels.

– Facilitate access to information and financing for entrepreneurs, opportunities depending on the state of the business and diversification of financing sources.

– Dynamize the Ana Aslan Institute and create a national network with European standards in geriatric care, research and social, geriatric gerontology and palliative care.

– Start the strategic project for the exploitation of natural gas in the Black Sea and use the income obtained to invest through funds

privately managed pension, for the benefit of Romanians (compulsory private pension).

– Facilitate the return to the country of Romanians who want to return. Clearly targeted assistance programs to inform, give back, welcome and encourage entrepreneurship in the country.

– Reduction of labor taxation by exemption of 2,230 lei from gross salary (equivalent to the minimum salary for economy). The application of taxes and duties should be made only on the amount that exceeds the minimum wage for economy.

– A new approach in the implementation of large infrastructure projects with: adequate financing, a realistic calculation of costs, business restructuring

national highways, hiring professionals and establishing clear priorities.

– Reduce the quantities of packaging that, instead of being recycled, end up contaminating the environment, through the implementation of a national system for the voluntary return of packaging: we go out of warranty, remove the packaging and recover the warranty. A real and mutually beneficial partnership between the state and the citizens.

– Gradual increase in afforestation capacity attracting European funds, private funds and budget allocations. Achieve an annual afforestation rate that will cover around 40% of Romania’s land area with forests by 2050. Establishment of an Environmental Crimes Investigation Directorate, an autonomous institution, organized on the DNA and DIICOT model.

– Increase the number of children from poor backgrounds who go to kindergarten, through the development and expansion of the “All children in kindergarten” program. Reduce school dropouts by expanding the “School for All” program from 500 to 1,200 vulnerable schools.

– Execution of projects and programs financed with European funds, which will guarantee the access of all Romanians to energy.

– Ensure access for all Romanians to high-speed internet and digital literacy, needs that have become essential in all aspects of life, including health, education and work.

– Program for the recovery of residential buildings with cultural value in rural areas through the granting of non-reimbursable grants of 25,000 euros, our objective is to ensure the quality rehabilitation of up to 300 homes in rural areas in the first year of execution.

– Democracy and a free press in the Republic of Moldova ”.

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