USR occupies INSP: Marius Ungureanu, professor of a faculty of political science, position in charge of doctors fighting against the pandemic


Klaus Iohannis visited the Institute of Public Health in October 2020, when he was still a National.  USR wants to divide it into regional institutes

Klaus Iohannis visited the Institute of Public Health in October 2020, when he was still National. USR wants to divide it into regional institutes

Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu appears to have made a controversial appointment to the INSP: a professor at a political science faculty has been appointed director of doctors fighting the pandemic.

Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu appointed Marius Ungureanu to head the National Institute of Public Health, according to DCNews sources. The decision was made on Thursday, but has yet to be announced publicly.

The political appointment – Ungureanu was secretary of state in the technocratic government – generates discontent among specialists of the national public health system, whose importance was seen at the national level during the pandemic. The appointment was made within the limits of the law, which establishes that the general director of the INSP must be a university professor or a primary care physician in the fields of public health, epidemiology or hygiene (GD 1414/2009).

Marius Ungureanu, representative of a government of specialists, is not a primary care physician, nor does he have a specialty in the fields mentioned, if he managed to obtain the title of specialist physician.

How to perform medical exams

According to the CV available online, Ungureanu continued residency for only three years, in gastroenterology, where said training cycle is five years. While it would have been the equivalent of a four-month internship at an American university and the position of research associate, during the two years he was absent, he still did not have the required specialty, but he would have been a gastroenterologist. Not to mention the mayor’s office.

It is necessary to follow the reaction of the College of Physicians and Romanian medical universities that train specialists in public health, hygiene or epidemiology and coordinate the examinations of the primary care physician, compared to the “referral” examinations, through a small interpretation of the law on the organization. by INSP.

Because, for the “occupation” of the management of the Institute, USR used the phrase “university framework”. Ungureanu, however, did not acquire this quality in a medical school, but in a political science one. He is just the director of works at the Faculty of Political Science at Babeș Bolyai University in Cluj.

The regionalization plan can be put into practice by “experts”

In Political Science, Ungureanu is the subordinate of Professor Răzvan Cherecheș, who recently proposed on Facebook the abolition of the public health system, replacing the National Institute with three or four regional institutes (“to coordinate the rounded DSPs and collaborate with the local authorities” – as announced on Facebook, on February 18, a day after he was appointed an advisor to Secretary of State Andreea Moldovan).

Cherecheș was at the center of a controversy in the press in 2009. Like any technocrat, it is also based on criteria of competence. The Rectorate of the UBB issued a statement about the Dean of the Faculty, Cătălin Baba: (this is basically a medical graduate!). Through the ANPODEPF address (no. 1,412 of April 1, 2008), Catalin Baba’s attention is called “Bad management” and her statement about a program previously used in the family is invalidated. “Upon being appointed a member of the Cabinet of Emil Boc, in 2009, Catalin Baba blocked the removal of positions until he was appointed university professor, which the Rectorate rejected. His training being mediocre, being appointed to that position, Catalin Baba requested, with address No. 296 of May 7, 2009, maintain his position during the period in which he arrives in Cluj, although the request is illegal. te (the most recent is address No. 132 of April 15, 2010) Rectorate to create the specialization “Health Policy” in the faculty, for him and his brother-in-law – which the Rectorate rejects (arguing that the UBB does not have medical schools), being another act of corruption ”, is also shown in the statement of the College of Senators of the UBB, entitled “Repeated Frauds”.
