Use of pumps in the Ministry of Health. A regional model takes care of Regional Hospitals!


The artist will direct the Regional Hospitals.

The young woman was hired without competition for the position of junior counselor in the Department of Monitoring and Implementation of Regional Hospitals of the ministry.

In her interview for the job, Elena Filip obtained a score of 89.33.

The occupation of the position of novice councilor without competition was based on Ministerial Order No. 905 / 05.26.2020, signed by Minister Nelu Tătaru, which approved the methodology to fill, without competition, vacancies within the Ministry of Health, for a determined period, in the context of the establishment of the state of alert in the Romanian territory, in accordance with article 11 of Law No. 55/2020 on some measures to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic of 05.26.2020.

The blonde Codruța Filip was a model in Kasta Morreli and a singer in the band Codree.

The singer stood out after showing the relationship she has with Valentin Sanfira, the popular music singer and host of a television show.

Collaboration with composer Victor Lavric brought Codruța Filip national fame as well as her participation as a contestant on the “X Factor” show where she unfortunately managed to get only two of “Yes”.

Valentin and Codruța have decided to be a couple in the true sense of the word and will even get married on October 10, 2020.

Valentin Sanfira and his future wife Codruța Elena Filip have already chosen their godparents, a couple with three children from Bucharest, and they meticulously organize every detail of the most important day of their lives.

The cover of Codruța Filip’s business card was photographed and posted by her future husband on his Facebook account.

Social media reported in the spring of this year that young Codruța Filip was born in Tătăruși, but lives in Iași. After graduating from the “Vasile Lupu” Higher Pedagogical School, he continued his studies at the Faculty of Law of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași. He then attended a master’s degree in European Law, according to
