USA: Mitt Romney’s tough attack on Trump: “It is hard to imagine a more undemocratic action by an American president” – 2020 US elections.


Republican Senator Mitt Romney has lashed out at President Donald Trump for his latest attempts to undermine the outcome of the US presidential election, Business Insider reports.

“By failing to present at least one plausible case in court about widespread electoral fraud or conspiracy, the President has now resorted to open pressure on state and local officials to undermine the will of the American people and overturn the election result.” Romney said. a statement posted on Twitter.

Trump’s campaign team claimed without evidence that the election had been rigged and filed lawsuits in several states.

In recent days, Trump’s campaign team appears to have changed its strategy, trying to stop the certification of the election result at the individual county level, not the federal level.

Romney’s comments come after the New York Times reported Thursday that Trump invited Republican congressmen from Michigan, a disputed state in which Biden is expected to be the winner, to an unusual move to involve local lawmakers. in the electoral process.

The Times also reported that Trump hopes to persuade Republican officials in key disputed states to block the certification of election results in favor of Biden.

According to some reports, the president and his allies are trying to persuade local lawmakers to nominate pro-Trump voters and ignore the popular vote, although this strategy has very little chance of success.

Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump’s personal attorney who was appointed to lead Trump’s campaign team in challenging the election results, asked a federal judge to ignore the outcome of the Pennsylvania election and declare Trump the winner in that state. .

Biden won the Pennsylvania election with more than 80,000 votes.

“It is difficult to imagine more serious and undemocratic action by a sitting US president,” Mitt Romney said in a statement.

Romney, a senator from Utah and a 2012 Republican presidential candidate, is one of the few Republicans to publicly acknowledge Joe Biden’s victory in the November 3 election.

He urged Americans to support President-elect Joe Biden, even if Trump refuses to admit defeat or allows Biden’s transition team to access information on national security or the COVID-19 pandemic.

On Thursday, Biden in turn attacked the Republican president, using the harshest language to date.

He told a news conference that Americans “are witnessing incredible irresponsibility, with incredibly damaging messages being sent to the rest of the world about how democracy works.”

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