UPDATE The bodies of two patients, entangled in the Floreasca Hospital of the Capital: A family would have received and buried the body of another person – Essential


The family of a patient killed by COVID-19 could not pick up his body at the Floreasca Hospital in the Capital, where it was announced that the body was not found. According to the representatives of the hospital, it is most likely that the body was collected by another family, and the Police will carry out an investigation, since the body must be exhumed and handed over to the relatives.

Floreasca Hospital spokesman Bogdan Oprița says that on December 31 there were two deaths and one of the families picked up a body. The second family that came to pick up their relative learned that the body could not be found. Most likely, the corpses were entangled and the first family received the body of the one who is now missing.

According to the procedure, when a patient dies, an identification bracelet is placed on them. The personnel of the anatomopathology service has the obligation, when giving the patient, to check if the data corresponds to those of the identification bracelet, and the family must recognize the deceased, explained this Monday, in Digi 24, Dr. Bogdan Oprița.

  • “On December 31, we had two patients who died, and one of the families identified the body and handed it over to the funeral home. Now we are checking if it was not recognized correctly by the family or if someone from the staff was wrong. Most likely, the 2 bodies were tangled, and the one that was delivered belongs to those who are looking for it now.
  • There will also be a police investigation, because the body must be exhumed and handed over to the family in law. We are also conducting an administrative investigation to see if the procedure has been followed. The responsibility can be administrative or even criminal, “said the spokesman for the Floreasca Hospital.

Police specifications

The Capital Police transmitted, through a press release, that a person notified 112 that they had been informed about the death of a relative at the hospital, but when they went to pick up the body, the hospital representatives did not. -they could give.

“Police from Section 1 came to the place, who came into contact with the family, but also with representatives of the health unit, who at this time specified that the body should be released, after completing some medical procedures. They are carried out by Section 1 of the Police, in order to establish the factual situation ”, the Police transmitted.

In this case, investigations are being carried out, under the supervision of the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Court of First Instance, for the crime of negligence in office, adds the cited source.
