UPDATE Restrictions in the Capital: Restaurants, theaters, cinemas and show rooms closed / It is mandatory to wear a mask in the school area – Coronavirus


The restaurants, theaters and cinemas of the Capital will be closed from the inside, as well as the rooms where the events are organized, and the use of a mask will be mandatory between 7.45 and 21.15 in the school area, announced this Tuesday night the prefect of the Capital, Gheorghe Cojan.

The restrictions go into effect on Wednesday.

The decision was made by the Municipal Committee for Emergency Situations of Bucharest, which met on Tuesday night to decide what restrictions will be imposed in the Capital, in the context of the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases.

Asked on Tuesday night if it is necessary to close restaurants in Bucharest, Health Minister Nelu Tataru said that it was established “from the beginning” that if the contagion rate exceeds 1.5 cases per thousand inhabitants, they will be closed restaurants, cinemas or theaters.

  • “There are no restrictions that we have imposed on ourselves now. There are restrictions that we have imposed from the beginning. That index that exceeds 1.5 closes restaurants, closes cinemas, closes theaters. There will be a period in which we readjust events.” private, depending on developments, “said Tătaru, asked if it is necessary to close restaurants in Bucharest.

In the context in which on Monday in the Capital the cumulative incidence rate, calculated in 14 days, reached 1.86, DSP Bucharest proposed to the prefect Gheorghe Cojanu to take several measures:

  • Ban on organizing private events in event rooms.
  • Prohibition of the organization of private events in restaurants and cafes, except those held with the participation of up to 50 people and in compliance with the physical distance regulations.
  • Obligation to wear a protective mask around educational units, at a distance of 100 meters.
  • Prohibition of activities with the public of economic operators that carry out activities of preparation, marketing and consumption of food and / or alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, such as restaurants and cafes, within buildings, food preparation and marketing of food and alcoholic beverages and non-alcoholic. that is not consumed in those spaces.
  • Prohibition of organizing and holding religious processions in open spaces as well as parking near places of worship.
  • Intensification of control actions in public transport, markets, fairs, indoor swimming pools.

The capital continues to register the most new cases of coronavirus -403-, while Iasi continues in the first positions in the top of counties, with 92 illnesses reported in the last 24 hours.
