Unprecedented moment in the EU, SIGNAL to all Member States. Carmen Avram, WARNING. “Very skilled players”


Carmen Avram MEP explained exclusively to DC NEWS what the consequences could be of voting for an EU recovery budget without the agreement of Hungary and Poland, whose veto could be circumvented.

The leader of the European People’s Party (EPP) in the European Parliament, German Manfred Weber, confirmed on Thursday that there are legal options for the “Next Generation” recovery plan to be implemented without the participation of Poland and Hungary.

“It is technically and legally possible. And it is achievable,” Weber said in an online meeting with foreign press correspondents in Germany. He mentioned as a possible concrete alternative an intergovernmental agreement on enhanced cooperation – a mechanism allowed by the EU treaty – between the other 25 member states of the bloc.

Accusing Poland and Hungary of being “irresponsible” and “playing with fire”, Weber also claimed that even the EU’s multi-year budget for 2021-2027 could go into effect on January 1 without going through its veto. countries, but in a so-called emergency mode. This would mean, Weber says, that some budget chapters might not be available, such as cohesion policy funds, which would also affect the two countries.

SEE ALSO EARTHQUAKE IN THE EU. Weber Announces “Next Generation”, Without Poland and Hungary

What consequences would the plan have? Carmen Avram, explanations of DC NEWS

“I understand that the Lisbon Treaty voted on a possibility that was later destined for another measure, and that it was the concept of an intergovernmental agreement on enhanced cooperation, and it seems that the provisions of that paragraph, voted at that time, could be applied in the current situation.

That provision refers to fiscal measures, and then it could not be applied under any conditions, but when it comes to money, it is possible that in another situation a stalemate can be avoided again by applying the same measure. It is a problem for the EU, extremely complicated. On the one hand, Poland and Hungary are opposed to conditionality, on the other hand, it is the others who support this measure. There are also fewer voices, it is true, that say that it is still a measure that must be regulated in some way, because it does not exist in the treaties. You cannot condition states to receive money as long as they contribute to the budget. There are also problems with the fact that the judicial systems in each country are under the authority of each state and the way that legislation is made in one state or another cannot be enforced, “Carmen Avram told DC NEWS.

Warning for other states

I think it is a moment of stagnation, because it opens the door to a world, to a history of the EU that we cannot anticipate, we cannot analyze, because it is unprecedented. The future course of the EU can take many directions. It largely depends on how Poland and Hungary are brought to the negotiating table. If you avoid them now, you run the risk of creating dissensions and changes of attitude among the population of the two countries. People will wonder why they are suffering from this, because they have been in the EU for so many years. In the end, all people will suffer. And so, it is a very, very sensitive matter, which raises some caveats.

What is happening now with Hungary and Poland, going into a budget vote without them, is also a warning to anyone else trying to reject, at some point, or oppose any conditionality that may occur along the way. for other events“said the MEP.

Hungary and Poland, requested negotiations on the part of Germany. “I would give water to the extremists’ mill”

The Social Democratic MEP does not believe that Hungary and Poland can be sanctioned by cutting European funds, which is why negotiations with the two states continue. He warns, however, that too harsh a measure would give the extremists water.

I think we will continue to negotiate with them separately until they put them online. Or maybe give them another break. I don’t think they can exclude Hungary and Poland from the EU budget. I think I would give the mill to the extremists of all countries! It would give great strength to those who oppose being given money as it has been given up to now. They gained a little in the negotiations, but nothing. You give water to the mill and the extremists, but also to those who feel even stronger and are going to put even tougher conditions.

However, if I am not mistaken, Germany is continuing the talks with the two states and I believe that something can be achieved at the end of the Council presidency. Hungarians and Poles are very skilled players, ”concluded Carmen Avram.
