Unprecedented decision at Dinamo. Bogdan Bălănescu was sent off! Who took his place


  • Connect to 2-a: U Craiova 1948 – Rapid Bucharest, Saturday, 20:45, Digi Sport 1

  • Connect to 2-a: Concordia ChiajnaMioveni, Saturday, 16:45, Digi Sport 1

Bălănescu, the “first violin” in the latter part of Ionuț Negoiță’s term, did not receive any opportunity from the current leadership of the Șoseaua club “Ștefan cel Mare”.

Fans-shareholders Dinamo demanded from day one that the club be under the new management that Bălănescu be removed from office. In his place, Alex Couto Lago was appointed, according to doarromania.ro.

What will the new organization chart of the Dinamo club look like?

  • Pablo Cortacero – representative of Benel International SA, the company that owns Dinamo
  • Dorin Șerdean – President of CA Dinamo
  • Melero Marin – Executive Director
  • Alex Couto Lake – managing Director
  • Ioan Marginean – General Manager
  • Rufo Collado – sports director
  • Cornel Țălnar – technical director of Dinamo II and head of CCJ (Center for children and youth)
  • Gheorghe Mulțescu – will occupy a position in the exploration department
  • Mark Rubino – the head of the academy
  • A specialist from Spain – Marketing Director.

Negoiță jumps in defense of Bălănescu. Advice for Spaniards: “I’m wrong if I give up”

Ionut Negoiță He defends it Bogdan Balanescu, your former general manager Dynamo, currently passed “in the background” by Spanish shareholders.

The former majority shareholder of Dinamo believes that the Iberians will be wrong if they fire the “enemy number 1” of the Dinamo fans.

Ionuț Negoiță: “The Spanish are wrong if they renounce Bălănescu”

“Bogdan Bălănescu is a professional. I inherited him from the past, there was no problem. He is a person who can help and even helped Dinamo a lot in these years. The decision they make is their problem. My opinion is that I am wrong if I give up” , said Negoiță, in an interview given to Digi sport.

Tags: Balanescu
