United Kingdom, first country to approve an anti-Covid immunizing serum and start a vaccination campaign


The authorization procedures for COVID vaccines with favorable test results have been helpful.

Regulators around the world are expected to give their views in December.

The UK is expected to be the first country to approve an immunizing serum and start the vaccination campaign. December 7 is the date that is taken into account.

According to Reuters, the UK will authorize the Pfizer BioNTech serum in the coming days and distribution will begin immediately after approvals are issued. The UK has ordered 40 million doses. Two are needed for each person, each month. In the European Union, approval of the same vaccine, with 95 percent efficacy in tests, is expected in the second half of December.

Americans seem to move a little faster. On December 10, the Federal Drug Authority would give its consent. For now, also for the Pfizer product. Moderna has not made any requests yet.

The Wall Street Journal announces that the planes of the American company United Airlines have already started the delivery of the Pfizer vaccine in Europe. The planes are loaded with five times the amount of carbon dioxide allowed. Pfizer doses should be kept at -70 degrees Celsius.

Belgium will become an important center, both in the European distribution chain and in the African network.

Koen Gouweloose, CEO of Swissport Cargo Services: “We are ready, we did everything we had to do, we did simulations, tests. The building is ready. Now we are waiting for the doses. To be honest, the easiest thing will be with the Pfizer serum, because the carbonic ice is already put in the Maker’s boxes, they have specially designed boxes. We just store them and make sure they’re not too hot for carbon dioxide. “

As they arrive in Brussels, the serum doses will be temporarily stored, before being shipped by air, train or refrigerated truck.
