UNEXPECTED: coronavirus causes EXPLOSION of inventions: Revolutionary innovations received 60 million euros – News from sources


The coronavirus epidemic also comes with unexpected effects. The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) announces the results of its crisis response initiative: € 60 million has been allocated to 62 innovative projects and 145 entrepreneurs from 32 countries to tackle the pandemic, according to Mediafax.

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“As part of the EU’s efforts to combat the coronavirus crisis, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) announces the results of its crisis response initiative: € 60 million has been allocated to 62 innovative projects and 145 entrepreneurs from 32 countries to face the pandemic and the crisis it causes. The selected projects will contribute to the delivery of solutions in the main areas of interest of the EIT, from health and digitization to food and urban mobility, to respond to a wide range of challenges posed by the crisis ”, announces the European Commission.

The European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, head of the EIT, Mariya Gabriel, says that the 60 million euros made available through the EIT’s Crisis Response Initiative are part of the comprehensive response of the EU to the COVID crisis. 19, including substantial support for innovation.

“Thanks to the EIT, 62 innovative projects and 145 entrepreneurs have received the support they need to bring tangible products and services to the pandemic. Their projects provide quick solutions, offering us new technologies that help fight the virus and save lives. The effective mobilization of the EIT community is a valuable contribution to Europe’s efforts to overcome this pandemic, ”adds Mariya Gabriel.

Almost 1,500 innovators from 44 countries applied when the initiative was launched on May 14. On June 30, the EIT Governing Council awarded funding to the eight Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs), which have now completed their selection processes. All EIT crisis response activities are due to be completed by the end of 2020.
