Under what conditions could we re-enter the state of emergency? The answer given by the Director of the National Institute of Public Health


You recently heard about a complete set of public health recommendations given by the National Institute of Public Health, recommendations that should apply in non-Covid post-cessation beauty salons, dental offices, hospitals, schools, offices, hotels, and public transportation. of emergency. INSP Director, Dr. Simona Pârv, explained to Mediafax what will happen with these recommendations, under which conditions they will no longer be valid and in which context we could return to the state of emergency.

1. Under what conditions can a state of emergency be declared again?

S.P: The declaration of the state of emergency involves the analysis of various factors, the number of cases in health units, the number of infections that occurred, the forms, the number of infections in severe or mild forms. But this is the subject of technical-scientific discussions at the level of the Ministry of the Interior

2. Do you think the number of illnesses will increase after May 15?

S.P: the number of diseases is likely to increase, it is important to limit the number of cases as much as possible. The evaluation of the situations that will be after May 15 will be carried out weekly so that we can decide what measures will be taken in the future, if other activities will be opened or if some of them will be closed.

3. What happens to the set of recommendations you gave in case Romania returns to a state of emergency?

SP: If Romania returns to a state of emergency, we go back to what has happened so far, in fact, there is no need for a set of recommendations, the emergency situation is, as we have seen, the prohibition of certain activities or limiting them

4. What will happen to the public health recommendations given by INSP on Saturday?

S.P: These recommendations will be assumed by the entities with regulatory responsibilities, in order to elaborate some legal norms, some normative acts that would impose the application of these measures to service providers, institutions and economic operators. The ministries will substantiate, on the basis of the documents that we prepare the normative acts, the standards that will be implemented by the operators that will provide the respective services.

5. Who can make proposals for recommendations other than those of the INSP?

S.P: professional associations, the College of Physicians, the College of Dentists, student or teacher associations can make proposals for recommendations. It’s the first set of recommendations we’ve given, but we’ll post other recommendations for other areas, like museums, libraries, restaurants. These recommendations were developed by medical personnel in the field of epidemiology, hygiene and public health, they are part of the Institute’s responsibility to develop technical and scientific documents that underlie the issuance of regulations.

6. What was your reasoning when you recommended that students living with people over 65 not attend classes?

S.P: The reasoning is to limit as much as possible the possibility of infecting people in risk groups, over 65 years, since the forms of disease they manifest are serious forms, which can lead to death.

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