Two players have finally won the disputes with FCSB. Becali is obliged to give them the money


  • League 1: Gaz Metan MediașBotosani, Friday, 18:00, Digi Sport 1

  • League 1: Craiova UniversityClinceni Academic, Friday, 21:00, Digi Sport 1

Six months after Gigi Becali decided not to give the money due to Adrian Popa and Alexandru Stan, the players can receive their money.

Adi Popa must receive 45,000 euros from FCSB. Alexandru Stan has to take 26,000

Supported by the Association of Amateur and Non-Amateur Footballers of Romania (AFAN), the two footballers received this Thursday the decision according to which they should receive, together, 71,000 euros.

45,000 euros are Popa’s money, while Stan will receive 26,000 euros. Decisions are final and enforceable, but the FCSB has 21 days to appeal to CAS if it feels aggrieved.

However, it would not be ruled out that the TAS brings other financial losses for the club, such as said Lucian Enache, AFAN’s lawyer, at the beginning of the conflict.

How much money did Adi Popa lose to leave Reading and play for FCSB?

The collaboration between Adi Popa and FCSB ended badly. Basically the player was fired and had to wait six months for a decision on the money he deserved. After leaving the team where he directed the most important sports performances, The pope revealed that he gave up the 180,000 euros that he would have taken if he remained as a reserve in Reading.

When I came to FCSB, in summer (not in 2019), I did not come for money. I gave up 180,000 euros, which I took from Reading, hoping to come, as Gigi Becali promised, and I would get that bonus money back. The reading paid me part of my salary, another part was run by FCSB, but still I lost 180,000 euros.

Mr. Helmut Duckadam said I was judging myself and that I could give up, but I haven’t been paid for so many months. On Tuesday I received the strike in May. I was not paid from January 15 to May, which means that I have to receive almost 55,000 euros“Revealed Adi Popa, in the program Fotbal Club, of Digi Sport.

Tags: adi stern , gigi becali appeals commission
