TO UPDATE: IPJ Prahova announced that there was a conflict between several young people between 15 and 17 years old, during which a weapon was used.
“Today, around 1:30 p.m., we were notified about the fact that young people, between 15 and 17 years old, had an altercation on George Topîrceanu street, in Ploieti, as a result of which a gun with“ Medical attention was provided in the place There are indications about the identity of the perpetrators, investigations are continuing to detect them Prahova.
Two children were killed with a pistol in front of a secondary school in Ploiești, reports the Prahovean Observatory. According to the first information, the two young men have head injuries.
According to the cited source, the two minors, aged 16 and 17, were shot in the head with a ball pistol in front of the UCECOM high school in Ploiești.
The Prahova County Ambulance Service (SAJ) reported that “the two boys have head injuries, from shooting with a ball pistol.”
“We intervened with 2 teams, one of which with a doctor. We returned with data on the patients after their evaluation,” the Prahova Ambulance Service told the Prahova Observatory.
The police also arrived at the scene.
Publisher: VM