Twitter suspends the account of the Chinese virologist who claimed that a new coronavirus was created in the Wuhan laboratory | News, Foreign News Freedom


The virologist, who had more than 60,000 visitors on Twitter before his account was blocked, made a scandal this week after claiming he had proof that the Chinese government was involved in creating the virus, which has so far killed more. of 936,156 people. people from all over the world.

Li-Meng Yan claims to have fled to the United States and is now hiding in Los Angeles. In May, Twitter introduced a rather controversial and controversial policy for tagging posts that contain information about COVID-19.

The social media platform stated that the policy was introduced to “provide additional explanation or clarification in situations where the risks of harm associated with a tweet are less severe, but where people may be confused or misled by the content.”

Twitter did not appear to have tagged any of Dr. Yan’s tweets, instead suspending his account. A spokesperson told Newsweek that Twitter does not comment on individual accounts.

Dr. Yan clarified the origins of COVID-19 in a report with three other colleagues, a group founded by former President Donald Trump’s adviser Steven Bannon, according to Newsweek.

The report, which was not peer-reviewed, wrote: “The natural origin theory, although widely accepted, does not have substantial support. However, the alternative theory that the virus could come from a research laboratory is strictly censored in peer-reviewed scientific journals. ”

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The researchers said they had evidence that COVID-19 was created in a laboratory, but the report does not appear to provide any new information about the virus.

The University of Hong Kong contested the findings and issued a statement to ITV, where it wrote: “Dr. Yan’s statement is not consistent with the facts. It has no scientific basis, it resembles rumors ”.

Dr. Yan also appeared on Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tuesday to speak about the report. She told host Tucker Carlson that the virus is “man-made” and said, “I have evidence to show why I can do it, what they did, how [au făcut-o]”And the scientific world is silent … working together with the Communist Party of China, they don’t want people to know the truth.”

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“That’s why they suspend me, they repress me, I am the target that the Chinese Communist Party wants to make disappear,” added Dr. Yan.

The interview was uploaded to Tucker Carlson Tonight’s Facebook page, but the social networking site stated: “The main statements are inaccurate.”

Facebook featured three stories from and USA Today to debate Dr. Yan’s claims that the virus was created by humans, according to Newsweek.

PHOTO: Hepta

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