Tudose, on Bode’s accident: Is inventory being dummy or what? It is dizzying how well Ms. Turcan knew what the minister was doing in the back seat.


According to Tudose, the dignitary says what time and where he wants to arrive, as every dignitary says if he does not want to be taken “like a sack of potatoes”, without him having the option of saying that he is not in a hurry, and the driver wants give you “strong feelings”.

“Is inventory made for dummies or what?” So he was driving like a rally, passing columns of cars in a solid line and the minister was sleeping in the back seat, instead of feeling like he was in an amusement park? The dignitary says what time and where he wants to go, like the other dignitary, he says if he does not want to be taken as a sack of potatoes. There is no way you can say that you are not in a hurry and that the driver wants to give you strong thrills! You can’t explain to us how you had no idea what the driver was doing! Anyway, it is dizzying how well Ms. Turcan knew what the minister was doing in the back seat … disturbing! The driver is guilty, in the event of an accident, of not being the passenger in the back seat, but do not offend our intelligence. You come and tell us that you would not have wanted to go exactly like the rally, but you slept comfortably on the bench, because, right? He sleeps a lot and you didn’t have time to say anything. We come to the logic in which they still have to say that the Poles in the car hit are members of the Socialist International. If they were Romanians, they were most likely PSD members. Mind-blowing explanations! ”Tudose declared to debraila.ro.

The Minister of Transport, Lucian Bode, declared this Friday, in relation to the accident in which he was involved, in Argeş county, that he regrets “unspeakable” this “incident”. He mentioned that before the accident he was in the back seat of the car and rested, since he had been traveling for several hours. Bode said the SPP driver is solely responsible for the route he follows and for reaching his destination safely. “The dignitary has no right to tell the driver to drive harder or slower,” Bode said, adding that until that accident, SPP drivers were driving without problems.

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban says he is not considering changing Transport Minister Lucian Bode and says he has no responsibility for the accident his car was involved in. “He was not at the wheel, he did not impose the travel rhythm in any way, nor can he legally impose the travel rhythm (…) I do not think that now, in an accident that actually occurred, he can make a decision related to the mandate of the minister and I repeat, he must be judged by what he really does as a minister ”, considers Orban.

The Transport Ministry announced on Monday night that Minister Lucian Bode was involved in a car accident, but did not need medical attention. Bode was in an official car driven by his driver.

Images that show how, repeatedly, the car in which Minister Lucian Bode was passing, in a continuous line, and driving a lot in the opposite direction, even overtaking a whole column of cars, were caught by one of the overtakers in traffic .

Deputy Prime Minister Raluca Turcan said on Thursday night that he was “quite exaggerating” in relation to the accident of Transport Minister Lucian Bode, considering that he was in the back seat of the SPP car and that he was sleeping, so it was not nothing. guilty of causing the traffic accident. Turcan said “there is a long way to go” from what happened to his resignation.

PLUS Bucharest leader, former Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu, claims that Minister Lucian Bode lies about the accident in which he was recently involved, because “never, but never, the SPP driver accelerates beyond the legal speed without the consent of the dignitary “. Voiculescu claims that the SPP employee is a professional military man, who only breaks the rules at the request of the dignitary and uses the blue light only with his consent.

The president of the Chamber of Deputies, the leader of the PSD, Marcel Ciolacu, commented this Saturday about the accident in which the car in which the Minister of Transport Lucian Bode was involved was involved, contradicting him and alleging that the dignitary that You are in a car with the Protection and Guard driver, you have the possibility of asking him not to rush and “do not break the law”,

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