Trump’s team involves Romania in the attacks on Biden. Iohannis reaction


Disclosures about Joe Biden’s son’s business interests in Romania, Ukraine and China will be made in the next few days, said the White House chief of staff, stating that “money from these countries appears to be reaching the Biden family.” .

I find it fascinating that some of the money that seems to flow to the Biden family comes primarily from Romania, Ukraine and China, even from the three countries that Joe Biden was specifically sent to as vice president.“White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows told Fox Business Network’s The Evening Edit,” reports

According to the cited source, the Wall Street Journal could publish a report on Hunter Biden’s transactions this week, but it is unclear if this is what Meadows is referring to.

The chief of staff added that Joe Biden, who is running for president of the United States on behalf of the Democratic Party, will have “Many explanations to give”. Joe Biden has repeatedly denied talking about his son Hunter’s business interests abroad.

“The comparisons are very disturbing. So it is not surprising that Biden activists say, ‘We’re not going to talk to the press.’Meadows added.


Giuliani Involved Romania in Trump-Biden Scandal: “Pay Attention to Romania”

A year ago, Rudy Giuliani, the lawyer for US President Donald Trump, spoke about several more states in which former Democratic Vice President Joe Biden would have been involved in a number of controversial businesses, including Romania.

Giuliani, a former US deputy attorney general, drew attention to Romania in an interview with Fox News television, Agerpres reports.

“I want you to look not only at China. I want you to pay attention to Romania. Just look at Romania.” Trump’s attorney said.

Giuliani’s statement came when Donad Trump asked his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, to resume the investigation of Hunter Biden, the son of Joe Biden.

How the names of Trump and Biden got into the Băneasa Farm scandal. And the US embassy rented land

Romania was involved in the scandal that, for 2 weeks, has focused on the pressure that Donald Trump exerts on Kiev, to compromise his political rival.

Rudy Giuliani, a former deputy chief prosecutor of the United States, currently one of Trump’s lawyers, claims to have information about dubious deals made by former Democratic Vice President Joe Biden in our country. He made the disclosure on the US station Fox News, but without providing evidence or details about what facts would incriminate Biden, one of Trump’s possible counter-candidates in next year’s presidential election.

At the same time, Democrats accuse Donald Trump of abusing power when he asked Ukraine for compromising information about the Biden family, in exchange for unlocking military aid.

Klaus Iohannis’ reaction

Klaus Iohannis commented on Wednesday on the statement made by the head of the White House chancellor on the revelations about Hunter Biden, the son of Joe Biden.

The President of Romania stated that he has no information about this character.
