Trump told the former White House spokeswoman to “sacrifice himself for the team” after Kim Jong-un winked at them.


“Kim Jong-un has come to you!” Trump joked delightedly, according to Sanders.

Sarah Sanders comes from a prominent Republican family: Her father, Mike Huckabee, ran for the White House in 2008 and 2016, and apparently wants to become Governor of Arkansas.

The book is an election brought to the president by a loyal follower and is subtitled “Faith, Freedom and the Struggle of Our Lives within the Trump White House.”

However, he describes in his book the rude and misogynistic behavior of the president and top advisers, which could scare those in the current presidential campaign, especially since Trump is behind Democrat Joe Biden on voting options. woman.

As for the incident with Kim, which Trump diligently courted in the first two years of his presidency, Sanders recounted how the North Korean leader “hesitantly accepted” a Tic Tac from the president that he “dramatically blew into the air to reassure him.” Kim that it was a minty candy ”and not something poisonous.

The two talked about sports, including women’s soccer, and then, Sanders writes, she noticed that the North Korean leader was “watching” her.

“I maintained direct eye contact and Kim nodded and seemed to wink at me. I was stunned. I quickly looked away and continued taking notes.”

Later, in the presidential limousine, Sanders told Trump and his then chief of staff, John Kelly.

“Kim Jong-un has come to you! It’s over!” Trump said. Sanders also wrote that he responded that this was not what he meant: “Sir, please stop.” Kelly supported Trump and the president joked. : “Well Sarah, that settles things. You will go to North Korea and sacrifice for the team! Your husband and children will miss you, but you will be a hero to your country! “

Trump and Kelly, he said, “laughed out loud.”

Donald Trump has met with Kim three times: in Singapore, Hanoi, and the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea. He failed to persuade Kim to give up nuclear weapons, which, according to Sanders, would require a miracle. In fact, according to experts, Pyongyang has beefed up its arsenal. Trump’s critics say this closeness to Kim has damaged relationships with key allies, including Seoul.

Sarah Sanders described other aspects of Trump’s North Korea policy, including interaction with Dennis Rodman, a former NBA star who has a close relationship with Kim, and the release, in May 2018, of three detained American students. in Pyongyang. However, she did not mention anything about Otto Warmbier, an Ohio student detained in North Korea before being released into a coma in June 2017, showing obvious signs of torture. The 22-year-old man died shortly after being taken to the United States.

Although Trump admitted in Hanoi that “some very bad things happened to Otto,” he added, “Kim tells me he didn’t know and I take him at his word.”

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