Trump and Biden arrive at the first phase of coffee (VIDEO)


Hostilities broke out Saturday over Joe Biden, who was fantasizing about a fight with Donald Trump.

At an election rally in Flint, Michigan, the former vice president said he wanted to hit him when they were both in high school, which means in the early 1960s.

“The president likes to describe himself, I love that, he likes to look tough,” Biden said from the rostrum. “When you were in high school, wouldn’t you like to fight? Well, that’s another story.”

Comments about a fight with Trump came when Biden called for “unity.”

When accepting his nomination by the Democrats, Biden said:

“Love is stronger than hate”.

This is not the first time that Biden wishes he had fought Trump in high school.

In October 2016, while campaigning with Hillary Clinton, the Vice President of the United States said:

“The press always asks me if I don’t want to have a debate with him (Trump). No, I want to be in high school, so I would have liked to take him behind the gym. That’s what I want.”

On Saturday, Trump recalled, during an election rally in Reading, Pennsylvania, Biden’s controversial remarks four years ago.

Trump was discussing emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop and the Biden family’s sulfur business with the Chinese communist regime.

In one of those emails, Joe Biden is conspiratorially called “the big guy.”

“Barosan, I call him Barosan,” Trump told the crowd. “It’s not sleazy at all.”

He then made a gesture that suggested a punch to the opponent and another signal showing how he falls.

“Remember, a year, a year and a half ago, he said, ‘I wish I could take him behind the barn,'” Trump asked the nurse, pretending to slap Biden.

“One light slap, you don’t have to clench your fist,” Trump joked, then was quick to say “don’t incite violence.”

Donald Trump turned 74 in June and Joe Biden turned 78 in November.
