Trump Accuses Pfizer Of Postponing Announcement Of Success Of Its Covid Vaccine Until After US Elections – 2020 US Elections


US President Donald Trump and his son Donald Trump Jr. said Monday that Pfizer had deliberately waited until after the US election to announce the first promising results of the late-stage COVID-19 vaccine, Business Insider reports.

Pfizer announced Monday that its experimental vaccine is more than 90% effective in preventing Covid-19, according to preliminary data from a large-scale study, and the announcement is a major victory in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

“Today is a great day for science and humanity,” said Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO and Chairman of the Board.

Both Trump and his son accused on Twitter of the announcement by the American pharmaceutical company, made six days after election day.

Although Pfizer made the announcement, Trump attacked the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Democrats on Monday night, saying he did not want a victory over the vaccine before the election.

In another tweet, he added that Pfizer “did not have the courage” to make the announcement sooner.

A Pfizer spokesperson told Business Insider that the company’s announcement had nothing to do with the US election.

Donald Trump jr. He also described the timing of the Pfizer announcement as “quite shocking” and asked if there was anything “impure” about it.

President Trump had previously stated that a COVID-19 vaccine would be ready by Election Day.

Trump also wrote on Twitter that if President-elect Joe Biden had been in the White House, “you wouldn’t have the vaccine for four years and the FDA would never have approved it so quickly.”

Pfizer Chief Executive Albert Bourla said in an interview with CNN on Monday that he first learned of the results of the study on Sunday, which was conducted by independent scientists.

When asked about the timing of the announcement, Bourla said Pfizer simply did it “when science told us the data was available.”

Trump’s tweets Monday night were in contrast to his daytime tweets about the Pfizer ad.

He called the study results “great news” and noted that the stock market had also grown.

Vice President Mike Pence also tweeted about the biopharmaceutical company’s announcement that misleadingly portrayed Pfizer’s success as an achievement of the Trump administration.

Pence wrote on Twitter that Pfizer developed its vaccine “thanks to the public-private partnership created by President Trump.”

The US government placed a large order over the summer for the Pfizer vaccine, but the company was never part of Operation Warp Speed, the US executive’s initiative to accelerate the development and distribution of a vaccine.

Pfizer also said it never received money from the US government for its research.
