Traian Băsescu underwent a very complicated surgery! Was saved at the last minute


Basescu said he underwent emergency surgery at the Charles de Gaulle Hospital in Paris, where doctors underwent a very complicated aorta transplant operation. The operation was carried out by a young doctor, who later became a teacher and department head. “I had an operation in which I was operated on by a very young surgeon who became head of department. He replaced my aorta. An operation that no one could do. He was not Romanian, but also not French. This teacher, although very young, has not been censored by the teacher system in our country and that does not allow any young person to get up, “said Băsescu.

The former head of state was operated on in a European university hospital, which gave him the idea that if the mayor of the capital arrives, he will urgently prepare a technical project for said hospital, which will be financed with European funds. At the moment there is a very nice proposal that it establishes and will materialize when the budget is approved in the European Parliament, so that in each Member State a European university hospital is developed. Bucharest must meet the project of this hospital, at the time of 2021.

The money may not be allocated to all European countries in the early years, but Romania is one of the countries with the lowest standard in terms of health. And then this European university hospital with research capacity must be built. At the largest hospital in France, the 1,000-bed Charles de Gaulle hospital, the director of ATI is a Romanian woman. I am convinced that the doctor would like to work at home in such a hospital. I am convinced that many doctors would operate if they got rid of the teaching system that is now in the hospitals of the Capital, ”added Băsescu.

Doctors need to be trained

The provision of hospitals in Bucharest, with state-of-the-art equipment, would be a “mess” for the budget of the General City Council of the Capital. “Given the programs of the European Union and the resources of the City Council of the Capital and the Sectors, without a doubt the best medical equipment can be provided in hospitals. We have two problems.

After bringing them, what do we do with them? Do we have people trained to operate them? So the first thing I would do would be the courses for the medical staff to work in these facilities. Saturating hospitals with modern technology, with the resources that Bucharest has, is not a problem. The big problem is the specialization of the staff, after which to ensure their consumables, at least five years, after the acquisition, by contract, and not to let all kinds of LLCs do business with consumables, reagents and whatever is needed for these devices “, a Băsescu concluded.
